A function is a special type of relation. So first let's see what a relation is. A relation is a diagram, equation, or list that defines a specific relationship between groups of elements. Now a function is a relation whose every input corresponds with a single output.
No, a function must be a relation although a relation need not be a functions.
No. A relation is not a special type of function.
The set of output values of a function or relation is the range
determine whether each relation is a function y equals -8
If the function is a straight line equation that passes through the graph once, then that's a function, anything on a graph is a relation!
Not every relation is a function. But every function is a relation. Function is just a part of relation.
No, a function must be a relation although a relation need not be a functions.
Does the graph above show a relation, a function, both a relation and a function, or neither a relation nor a function?
A function is a relation whose mapping is a bijection.
Not every relation is a function. A function is type of relation in which every element of its domain maps to only one element in the range. However, every function is a relation.
No. A relation is not a special type of function.
daffirentiate structure and function
A relation is a function if every input has a distinct output.
Good question. A relation is simply that; any x-value to create any y-value. A function, however, cannot be defined for multiple values of x. In other words, for a relation to be a function, it must have singular values for all x within its domain.
relation and function are number that combine with number and neqative number to .