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Q: Does an exponential growth function represents a quantity that has a constant doubling time?
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An exponential growth function represents a quantity that has a constant doubling time?


An exponential decay function represents a quantity that has a constant doubling time?

depends it can be true or false Apex: False

An exponential function is written as Fx equals a bx where the coefficient a is a constant the base b is but not equal to 1 and the exponent x is any number?


An exponential growth function represents a quantity that has a constant halving time?

That would be an exponential decay curve or negative growth curve.

What non-exponential function is its own derivative?

The only non-exponential function that has this property would be a function that has the constant value of zero.

What the difference between an exponential equation and a power equation?

y = ax, where a is some constant, is an exponential function in x y = xa, where a is some constant, is a power function in x If a > 1 then the exponential will be greater than the power for x > a

Which graph best represents a logarithmic function?

an exponential function flipped over the line y=x

How does an exponential function differ from a power function graphically?

An exponential function of the form a^x eventually becomes greater than the similar power function x^a where a is some constant greater than 1.

How does the graph of an exponential function differ from the graph of a linear function and how is the rate of change different?

The graph of a linear function is a line with a constant slope. The graph of an exponential function is a curve with a non-constant slope. The slope of a given curve at a specified point is the derivative evaluated at that point.

What happens to the graph of an exponential function if b is a function between 0 and 1?

This question appears to relate to some problem for which we have no information. The graph of an exponential function shows a doubling at regular intervals. But we are not told what the role is of b, so we cannot comment further.

In a medical experiment the number of bacteria is halved every hour. What type of function represents this pattern?

Exponential Decay - Apex

How are exponential functions characterized?

An exponential function is any function of the form AeBx, where A and B can be any constant, and "e" is approximately 2.718. Such a function can also be written in the form ACx, where "C" is some other constant, used as the base instead of the number "e".