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x + 5 > 10 and x -2 < 1

This results in x > 5 and x < 3

There is no number that is both greater than 5 and less than 3, therefore there is no solution.

The thing above is wrong that would make it an "or" statement.

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Q: How can an absolute value inequality have no solution?
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What does absolute value inequality mean?

It is an equation used to anwer an absolute value inequality.

What is a value or values that make an inequality true?

a solution of inequality

Absolute value inequalities?

What's your question? To solve an absolute value inequality, knowledge of absolute values and solving inequalities are necessary. Absolute value inequalities can have one or two variables.

How can you tell what kind of compound inequality an absolute value inequality will represent?

If the absolute value inequality is of the form where the absolute value of the difference between a variable (X) and some constant (a) is compared to another constant (b) eg |X - a| compared with b, then if the comparison is &lt; or &acirc;&permil;&curren;, the compound inequality is a double inequality of the form c &lt; X &lt; d (or &acirc;&permil;&curren;), and if the comparison is &gt; or &acirc;&permil;&yen;, the compound inequality is a disjoint inequality of the form X &lt; c or X &gt; d (or including the equals). In both cases, c = b - a, d = b + a (&gt;c)

When would an absolute value inequality result in one interval as the solution set?

This typically happens when the absolute value is less than something. Here is a simple example:| x | &lt; 3 This results in all numbers between -3 and 3.

What is the definition of solution in math?

In mathematics, a solution refers to a value or set of values that satisfies an equation, inequality, or system of equations. It is the value or values that make the equation or inequality true.

Absolute Inequality 3 plus 4 absolute value of 3x plus 7 is less than or equal to -89?

Do you mean 3 + 4|3x + 7| &le; - 89? There is no solution to the inequality, since it is a false statement. A positive number cannot be equal or less than a negative number. On the left side, you are dealing only with positive numbers, since the absolute value is always positive, no matter what the values of x are.

How do tell the solution of an inequality?

Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.Substitute the values of the variables into the inequality. If the inequality is true then they are a solution, if not, they are not.

Is there ever a time when the same value will be a solution for both the equation and the inequality?

Yes, but only when the inequality is not a strict inequality: thatis to say it is a "less than or equal to" or "more than or equal to" inequality. In such cases, the solution to the "or equal to" aspect will satisfy the corresponding inequality.

Any value or values that make an equation or inequality true?

The solution.

Which value of x is a solution of the inequality 25x -100 250?


In algebra is it possible to have no solution?

It is definatly possible to have a no solution answer in algebra. The most common time a no solution answer will occur is in an absolute value problem. Absolute value problems cannot equal zero so if you have the problem: the absolute value of 2m - 3 = -14 the answer would be so solution because it cannot equal a negative number