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The answer depends on what aspect you wish to compare: If you wish to find out if the two variables are correlated one statistical technique is the chi-square test.

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Q: How can you compare values in tables of two variable categorical data?
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Difference between dummy and categorical variable?

A dummy variable assumes a value of either 0 or 1. A categorical variable assumes one of a usually small number of values. For example, a categorical variable might assume the values 'F' or 'M' for female or male.

What is the difference between continuous and categorical independent variables?

A categorical variable (also known as a discrete variable) is one whose range is countable; e.g. the variable answ has values [yes, no, not sure]. answ is a categorical variable with range 3.A continuous variable is one which is not categorical; e.g. weight is a continuous variable which can take any value between 0 and 1000 kg (say) for a human being.

When the measurement of a variable has a categoryvariable value for every unit of analysis observed the categoriesvariable values are said to be?

They are said to be categorical.

What are categorical variables?

Categorical variables are variables that represent categories or groups. They are qualitative in nature and can take on values that are in a finite set of distinct categories, but do not have a inherent order or numerical significance. Examples include color (red, blue, green) or gender (male, female).

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david asks each of his family members what their favorite vegatable is ?is he collecting data on a numerical or categorical variable?

How do you compute probabilities of a standard normal random variable?

You need to determine the area under the curve between the values in question. This is easy to do because there are tables that give the area values.

To evaluate a variable expression you must do what to values for the variable?

You must substitute values for the variable.

Different types of variables?

In statistics or data management, there are two main types of variables. Each of these types of variables can then be divided into two more types of variables.1. Categorical variableA categorical variable is commonly known as a qualitative variable. Every response can be placed into a category. A response may fit into a specific category (mutually exclusive), or it may fit into a category such as "other" along with other responses (exhaustive). Categorical variables are either nominal or ordinal. A nominal variable is a word that describes a category (i.e. horse, dog, cat) and the order does not matter. An ordinal variable uses categories that have to be placed in an order (i.e. very bad, bad, ok, good, very good).2. Numeric variableA numeric variable is a variable that is expressed by a real number. It is commonly referred to as a quantitative variable. Numeric variables can either be continuous or discrete. A continuous variable is variable that can assume an infinite number of real values (i.e. 2.345....). These variables are often grouped into class intervals. A discrete variable is a variable with a finite number of real values (i.e. shoe size).Grade 12 Data Management class

Is birthday a categorical variable?

No, date of birth is an ordinal variable. Ordinal variables are similar to categorical variables except that an ordering of the values is possible. With date of birth there are obviously many possible day/month/year "categories" but they are discrete and can clearly be ordered from highest to lowest or vice versa.A categorical variable might be something like animal type. Each animal type fits into a class, but there's no intrinsic ordering of cow, sheep, pig for example.Date of birth itself is not an interval variable either. It doesn't make a lot of sense to talk about "average date of birth" for example. But of course, date of birth can be convertedto an interval variable (i.e. age) simply by subtracting it from another date (e.g. today's date).

What is a variable in C language?

variable which is used to specify the values and also we can that values through the variable name

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is?

If a variable has possible values -2 6 and 17 then this variable is an Integer.

Why must numeric values be assigned to variables when comparing results?

In order to compare any two values, both values must be stored somewhere otherwise it would be impossible for the machine to refer to those values let alone operate upon them. Typically we store variables in main memory, however values can also be stored directly in the machine's registers. These are known as register variables and the only practical difference between a register variable and an ordinary variable is that we cannot take the memory address of a register variable (because it has no address to take).If we can take the address of a variable then that variable is said to have identity because it exists in memory and we can identify it solely by its address. When comparing values that have identity, we can either compare the values themselves or we can compare their identities. The latter helps us determine whether two values are the same variable or not.The address of a variable may or may not be known at compile time. If the address is known at compile time then we can name the variable and refer to it by either its name or its address. Variables generated at runtime are anonymous and can only be referred to by their address (which we must store in another variable known as a pointer variable). Conversely, register variables must always be named, but they have no identity.Regardless of whether a variable has a name, an identity, or both, the machine simply cannot operate upon values without using variables.