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if the line slants down (from left to right) then it is negative. if the line slants up (from left to right) then it is positive. horisontal lines have a slope of "0" and and vertical ones are undefined.

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Q: How can you tell if a graphed line with no numbers is positive or negative?
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Will an absolute value be graphed on the positive or negative side of the number line?

Absolute values are always positive; so graph it on the positive side of the number line.

How are positive and negative numbers placed on a number line?

Positive numbers go to the right of zero, negative numbers go to the left of zero.

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A number line can have both positive and negative numbers. You can put the number line in any position, but often it is represented so that numbers to the right of zero are positive, and numbers to the left of zero, negative.

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How is a negative integer less then any positive integer?

Because positive numbers are to the right of negative numbers on the number line. If you have two numbers, one the negative of the other, and you add the positive to the negative, you get zero. If you add the positive to zero, you get a positive number. So positive numbers are an increase from zero, which is an increase from negative numbers. A negative number may have a greater absolute value than a positive number, but it will always be less than a positive number.

Why number zero is invented?

to separate the negative numbers and the positive numbers on a number line

Numbers found to the right of zero on a number line?

Numbers to the right of zero on a number line are positive numbers; to the left are the negative numbers.

How do you teach the difference between negative numbers?

Put all the numbers - zero, positive, negative - on a number line. Positive numbers to the left, negative numbers to the right. The difference between any two numbers is represented by the distance between them. Thus putting numbers on a number line is a great visualization tool.

Why is 0 on the number line?

So the positive and negative numbers know where to start.

Are negative numbers integers?

Integers can be negative or positive numbers providing that they are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.

On a number line which numbers are greater?

If the number line has negative numbers to the left of zero and positive numbers to the right then the further you go to the right, the greater the numbers become.

Can an integer be negative?

Integers are whole numbers that go from negative infinity to positive infinity. As such, they do cover the negative range of the number line.