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A negative number is a real number that is less than zero. If one of the addends has a negative number, by means of number line, the point will move to the left to the corresponding value of a negative number.

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Do you have to remember algebra 1 to do good in algebra 2?

To do WELL in Algebra 2, you will need to remember part of Algebra 1. However, your teacher should go over part of Algebra 1. I did poorly in Algebra 1, though Algebra 2 now makes sense to me simply because I needed to understand it to understand Algebra 2, and I was able to infer the things that I was unsure of.

What is the easiest way to understand the algebra worksheets?

The algebra worksheets center on algebra alone. They are great practice for anyone having trouble with this area of math. They are a step by step process making it very easy for anyone to understand.

What is the difference between pre-algebra and beginning algebra?

I don't really think there is a difference, but maybe the difference is that in pre-algebra you learn and practice the basic foudations, like the different steps to solve an equation, and what is a equation, and stuff like that. Begining algebra is where you practice actually solving the easier types of algebra equations.

How do you get better grades in algebra 1?

To get better grades in Algebra 1, you should study more. If you still don't understand or you need more help, find someone that you know will satisfy your longing in knowing the correct way to solve Algebra 1. You can always get a tutor. I know there are some who work for free (no money, no bribes, or physical attraction, etc.). There are online schools that can help you, and there are many that are free, too. I am excellent in many things I do, and luckily math (any type) is one of my specialties.

Why is algebra so hard?

because it is hard to understand and some people dont realize how important it is in life!

Related questions

How can i get better in algebra 1?

Study and understand your mistakes

In algebra is there a rule that states multipling two negatives or adding two negatives equals a positive?

yes !

Will you fail calculus if you are good at algebra?

You'll certainly not fail BECAUSE you are good at algebra - you need to know algebra well, to understand calculus. So, it is not guaranteed that you will succeed, but if you are good at algebra, your chances are certainly a lot better than if your are not good at algebra.

What did Beowulf say about Algebra?

If God wanted us to understand algebra, He would have made it easier to understand!

Is it okay if I skip Pre-Algebra and take Algebra 1?

I recommend that you take the Pre-Algebra before taking Algebra I. Taking the Pre-Algebra has a strong potential of helping you understand Algebra I much more easily and much better. A strong background and understanding of Algebra can be the basis for doing very well in later math courses.

How do you understand algebra?

you listen in class

What is a better program algebra buster or algebra helper?

That I think is mostly an opinion. I think though that Algebra Buster is better.

Is pre algebra useful?

yes. to understand the higher maths you need pre algebra

Do you have to remember algebra 1 to do good in algebra 2?

To do WELL in Algebra 2, you will need to remember part of Algebra 1. However, your teacher should go over part of Algebra 1. I did poorly in Algebra 1, though Algebra 2 now makes sense to me simply because I needed to understand it to understand Algebra 2, and I was able to infer the things that I was unsure of.

What is the easiest way to understand the algebra worksheets?

The algebra worksheets center on algebra alone. They are great practice for anyone having trouble with this area of math. They are a step by step process making it very easy for anyone to understand.

Why do you need to simplify boolean algebra?

You never need to simplify any type of algebra. It often helps people understand answers better and/or makes working with certain algebraic expressions easier in the future, but always remember that a simplified and unsimplified expression or algebra are both saying the same thing.

Is algebra hard?

Algebra is the study of the principles of operations in mathematics. It is a major part of the study of math so it can get to be complicated. It's not all bad news though. Pre-algebra or elementary algebra is easy to understand as long as it is taught well. There are two keys to understanding algebra. The first - Listen carefully to your teacher. Hang on to his every word and stay focused while you listen. The second - If you don't understand, ask. Keep asking. Demand explanations from your teacher until you understand the concepts of algebra. Repeat both of these steps and you have algebra mastered.