If the sum of two fractions have the same number of numerator and denominator.
Fraction is nothing but a part of 1. When we say 1/8 it means 1 has been divided into 8 equal parts.
So if for example I consider it as a whole cake and cut it into 8 equal slices or parts and I eat 3 parts and you eat the balance, 5 parts, then the fraction which I eat is 3/8 and you eat is 5/8 and when we add both we get again 3/8+5/8 = 8/8 =1 i.e the whole cake we started with.
Hence if the two fractions which you are adding are total number of equal parts a 1 has been divided into it will give you exactly one. For eg. 1/3 and 2/3, 2/5 and 3/5, 7/9 and 2/9 etc....
It's easy to tell if the two fractions have a common denominator.
In that case, their sum is exactly ' 1 ' if the sum of their numerators is equal to their common denominator.
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That is correct.
according to sum of fractions: a/b + c/d = (ad+bc)/bd hence for example: a=c=1 , b=d=2: (ad+bc)/bd = (2+2)/2x2 = 4/4 = 1 sagy
The reciprocal of a fraction is when you flip the two fractions as shown . 1/8 = 8/1
No. While the sum of two qudratics cannot have a power greater than two, it could have a power of 2, 1 or 0. x2 + 1 is one quadratic (2-x)(2+x) is another quadratic. Their sum is 1, a constant (power = 0).
one half and other half equals 1 exactly.
The sum of two fractions will be equal to one when the numerator and the denominator of their sum are the same. Example: 1/3 + 2/3 = 3/3 or 1
The two fractions are 1/6 and 3/8
1/2 + 1 1/2=2
To determine whether the sum of two fractions with a common denominator is greater than, less than, or equal to 1, you need to add the numerators of the fractions together and compare the result to the common denominator. If the sum of the numerators is greater than the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be greater than 1. If the sum of the numerators is less than the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be less than 1. If the sum of the numerators is equal to the denominator, the sum of the fractions will be equal to 1.
1/2 + 1/2 = 1
if you are adding two fractions that are both greater than 1/2, what must be true about the sum?
That their sum is always equal to the denominator.
1half+1half 3quarters+1quarter
1/3 + 1/2
-1/8 and -1/8 = -1/4 which is the same as -0.25
The sum of two fractions will only be a whole number if the fractions have a common denominator. When the denominators are different, the sum will be a fraction with a different denominator, making it impossible to be a whole number. Thus, estimating the sum of two fractions will generally result in a fraction, not a whole number.