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The best way to answer fraction problems is with a fraction that has the same denominator or a common denominator with those in the original problem. Typically you also need to reduce it so that the final answer does not contain an improper fraction.

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Q: How do you answer fraction problems?
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How do you solve all types of fraction problems?

There is no single method to solve all types of fraction problems. Some problems and their solutions are relatively simple, others are extremely difficult.

When you subtract to fraction problems the answer is called?

The difference.

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The answer will depend on what test: in which school or college, at what level.

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1/7 of them

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proper fraction

What Fraction of the problems on the math test will be word problem?

The answer will depend on what test where, and and at what level.

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What is 8/35 is one example.

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Factor puzzle are used to solve ratio problems and equivalent fraction problems. It is a way to practice multiplication and division.

How do you change a division problem into a fraction?

Fractions are division problems. The line in a fraction can be read as "divided by." 2/3 is actually 2 divided by 3.

How do you solve fraction problems?

Divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number.

What are the steps to solve fraction stick problems?

A whole stick is worth 1 whole, use fraction sticks to find equivalent fractions, use the fraction sticks to add fractions with the same denominator

What is the fraction that shows 2 math problems completed in 5 minutes?

There are two possible answers: 2/5 problems per minute or 5/2 minutes per problem. The logic behind these fractions is simple. You have two measures: 2 problems and 5 minutes. So one fraction, the first, is "2 problems" divided by "5 minutes" and the other is "5 minutes" divided by "2 problems".