To convert an improper fraction to a mixed number, divide the denominator into the numerator. The answer is the whole number. Put any remainder over the original denominator to create the fraction part.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and proceed normally.
Convert all the rational numbers to order into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then they can be ordered by putting the numerators in order from least to greatest. ------------ You can also convert all the numbers to decimals ... this is actually a special case of "equivalent fractions".
The question is ambiguous. Do you want to know how to multiply a fraction by a whole number, as well as by a mixed number? Or are you asking how to multiply a whole number by a mixed number and express the product as a fraction? Or what?
can't do it as is... you must convert the mixed number to an improper fraction to multiply To convert the mixed number to a fraction you multiply the denominator and the number in front and then add that to the numerator then you put that number over the original denominator ex. 2 1/3 = (3 x 2 + 1)/3 =7/3 then you can multiply: 7/3 X 4/5 = 28/15
Example: 3/2= 1 and 1/2 There are three halves in 3/2. You add two halves and get 1. You take the remaining half and put it on the end which make 1 and 1/2.
Mixed fractions can't become whole numbers.
Convert them to improper fractions and proceed.
Convert any mixed numbers to improper fractions. Once you have a fraction (proper or improper) do the division. 2/4 = 2 divided by 4 = 0.5
Convert the fractions into equivalent fractions with the same denominator. In actually adding mixed numbers, it is easier to convert the mixed numbers into improper (top heavy) fractions, do the addition, simplify the resulting fraction and convert any resulting improper fraction back into a mixed number.
Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction and proceed normally.
Convert them to improper fractions and proceed. The answer will be positive.
Convert them to improper fractions and proceed the same way you would multiply two fractions.
The easiest is to convert both mixed form numbers to improper fractions, do the subtraction (as normal1) and if the result is an improper fraction convert it to mixed form. 1 by converting the improper fractions to equivalent [improper] fractions with a common denominator and subtracting the resultant numerators.
Convert them to improper fractions, find a common denominator and proceed.
what is dividing fractions and mixed numebers
First convert them t top-heavy fractions. Treat these as you would ordinary fractions: find common denominator and so on. At the end, convert the top heave fraction back to a mixed fraction.
To find a volume you usually need to multiply values together. When working with mixed numbers it is usually easier to convert them into improper fractions, do the calculations and convert any resulting improper fraction into a mixed number. So you don't need to use either format, it's just that improper fractions are easier to manipulate.