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Q: How do you create DFD for solving general quadratic equation?
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What is the most successful solution or problem-solving methods for achieving a business objective?

Problem-solving in business relates to establishing processes that mitigate or remove obstacles currently preventing you from reaching strategic goals. You can analyze the company's ups and downs. Visit SlideEgg! The problem-solving PowerPoint template is attractive and appealing to your audience and will help you create a winning presentation that will gain your audience's attention.

If the slope of a line is already known what else is needed in order to create an equation?

Either a point or the y-intercept.If the y-intercept is known (call it b), and, calling the slope m, the equation is y = mx + b.If a sample point (x0, y0) is known, then the equation is y - y0 = m(x - x0).

How can you use multiplicative identity property in real life?

Answering the question in general terms: 1. Since we are taught the property at an early age (initially without identifying it formally as a property) , our use of it generally goes unnoticed (for example, when it occurs in a multiplication problem involving the digit 1). 2. When solving algebra or arithmetic problems or proofs, if we can reduce a factor to 1, then by the property we can eliminate this complicating factor. 3. Having identified this property, we can create new mathematical systems within which we can then decide whether or not to include that property.

What is the slope of a trend line that passes through the points (1 3) and (10 25)?

Jeremy surveyed students in his class about their spending habits in the school cafeteria. He used the data to create a scatterplot. How Students Spend Money in the Cafeteria Which is the equation of his trend line?

What is the definition of ordered pair in math?

An ordered pair is a pair of numbers, in cases where the order is relevant. Often used to indicate coordinates. Also, in general, to create new (larger) sets out of existing sets, in a process known as "Cartesian product"

Related questions

How do you create a function to calculate the roots of any given quadratic equation?

First rewrite the quadratic equation in the form: ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a , b and c are constant coefficients. Clearly, a is not = 0 for if it were then you would have a linear equation and not a quadratic. Then the roots of the quadratic are: x = [-b +/- sqrt(b2 - 4ac)]/2a where using the + and - values of the square root result in two solutions.

What is an application for a quadratic equation in real life?

A quadratic equation could be used to find the optimal ingredients for a mixture. Example: if you are trying to create a super cleanser, you could make a parabola of your ingredients, finding the roots of the equation to find the optimal amount for each ingredient.

Given a number. square it. then subtract the sum of twice the number and 4 The result is zero. Find the number?

You want to create an equation for this. The equation should look like this: x^2 - 2x + 4 = 0 Use the quadratic equation to solve it.

What are some examples of quadratic equation?

x to the power of a whole number, like y=x to the power of 3 or y= x to the power of 6, that will create a parabola

How is the St. Louis Arch an example of a Quadratic Function?

The St. Louis Arch is in the shape of a hyperbolic cosine function It is often thought that it is in the shape of a parabola, which would have a quadratic function of y = a(x-h)^2 + k, where the vertex is h, k.

Create your own two-step equation with All Real Numbers as the solution Show the steps to solving the equation to prove the solution All Real Numbers?

This is a question from a Florida Virtual School class, please call your teacher for help instead. Thank you.

How can you insert a quadratic formula in your document on Microsoft word?

To insert a quadratic formula (or any other scientific formula) into a Word document, go toInsert (tab) > Equations (under the Symbols block)From there you can either select the format of the formula you would like to insert if a template is available (there is a template already for quadratic equations) but if there isn't one, can either download on from OR create your own by clicking Insert New Equation.

Can you create a quadratic equation with the solution being -5?

Yes, this can be done this way:(x-(-5))(x+a)=0, where a is any (positive or negative) numberThis simplifies to: (x+5)(x+a) = 0or written as quadratic: x2+(a+5)x+5a = 0Solutions: x1 = -5 and x2 = -a,so if a=5 the equation shortens to (x+5)2=0 ( or x2+10x+25=0 )and there will be only one solution: x1,2 = -5

If you have a point on a line what else is needed in order to create an equation?

If a point on a line is already known, what else is needed in order to create an equation

Did Einstein create the equation Emc2?


When dealing with Quadratic Regression what is one of the first things that needs to be done on the graphing calculator?

You must create a scatter plot

What are the solutions to the simultaneous equations of x square plus y square plus 4x plus 6y minus 40 equals 0 and x minus y equals 10?

Rearrange the second equation as x = 10+y and then substitute it into the first equation which will create a quadratic equation in the form of: 2y2+30y+100 = 0 and when solved y = -10 or y = -5 Therefore the solutions are: x = 0, y = -10 and x = 5, y = -5