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If a point on a line is already known, what else is needed in order to create an equation

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Q: If you have a point on a line what else is needed in order to create an equation?
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If the slope of a line is already known what else is needed in order to create an equation?

Either a point or the y-intercept.If the y-intercept is known (call it b), and, calling the slope m, the equation is y = mx + b.If a sample point (x0, y0) is known, then the equation is y - y0 = m(x - x0).

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An Airy equation is an equation in mathematics, the simplest second-order linear differential equation with a turning point.

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Another straight line equation is needed such that both simultaneous equations will intersect at one point.

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A starting point is needed in order to answer this question.

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Substitute the first of the ordered pair wherever x appears in the equation and the second value wherever you have y. Evaluate the equation. If it is true, then the point is on the line and if not, it is not.

What does the slope in your equation mean?

In a linear (first-order) equation, it is the ratio of the change in y of a segment to the change in x of the same segment. If the equation is in the form y = mx + b, m is the slope. In a higher-order equation, the instantaneous slope is the slope of the tangent line intersecting a particular point along the curve.

Why is reference point needed?

in order to find any location, or how far it is from one point to another, you first must know where you started

How can you tell if a point is a solution to the equation?

Substitute the coordinates of the point into the equation and if the result is a true statement then the point is a solution, and if not it isn't.

What is the point-slope form of a line with slope that contains the point (-1 2)?

Another point is needed to work out the slope and its straight line equation. Slope is worked out as: (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) ----------------------- With slope m and going through a point (x0, y0), a line has equation: y - y0 = m(x - x0) Thus the point-slope equation of a line with slope m through the point (-1, 2) is given by: y - 2 = m(x - -1) → y - 2 = m(x + 1)

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Substitute the coordinates of the point into the equation of the line. If the equation is still valid then the point is on the line; if not then it is not.

What is needed when you begin creating a new power point?

You do not need much when you create a new slide. An idea of what where is the only knowledge required.

What does solving the equation for a line tell us?

A line is represented by an equation. Each solution of the equation is a point on the line, and each point on the line is a solution to the equation. So the line is just the graph of the solution set of the equation.