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There are three sides, hypotenuse, opposite and adjacent. But the adjacent and opposite are not fixed sides: it depends on which of the two acute angles you are examining.

For either of the non-right angles, the adjacent side is the one which forms the angle, along with the hypotenuse. For the given angle θ, the length of the adjacent side compared to the hypotenuse (adjacent/hypotenuse) is the cosine (cos θ).

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Q: How do you determine which is the adjacent side of a right triangle?
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That's the cosine of the angle to which the 'adjacent' side is adjacent.

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use right triangle trig... sin (angle) = opposite side/hypotunese, cos (angle) = adjacent side/hypotunese, and tan (angle) = opposite side/ adjacent side

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For any angle in the triangle that is not a right angle, the opposite side is the side does not touch the angle and the adjacent side touches it and is perpendicular to the opposite side. The third side is the longest side and is the hypotenuse

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The cosine of an angle equals the ratio of the?

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The adjacent side or base of the triangle.

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the longest side of a right angle is called the hypotenuse. In trigonometry it is the side that is opposite the adjacent. -----------|\ -----------| \ Adjacent-| -\ hypotenuse (longest side) -----------|- \ -----------|__ \ ---------opposite