You multiply the length by the width, i.e. 47ft x 30ft = 1,410 square feet.
A yard is 3feet. A square yard is 3feet x 3feet; therefore, a square yard is 9sqaure feet. 5feet x 4feet is equal to 20sqare feet. To calculate the area in square yards, devide 20 square feet by 9 square feet. The answer, therefore, is 2.22 square yards.
50 ft X 20 ft = 1000 sq.ft.,
The distance around 4,791 square feet depends on whether it is a square, a rectangle, or a really long, narrow rectangle.
If it's a rectangle, then the area = (12 x 7) = 84 square feet = 9 and 1/3 square yards
30ft... You multipy the width by the length
(10yds)(3ft/yd) 30ft. Area lengthXwidth 30ftX160ft 4800ft2
Assuming you're area is 30ft^2, you can't tell simply from that. It could be anything, so long as the product of it and the width is 30.
30ft*20ft = 600 sq ft
A female green anaconda is 20-30ft in length. Whereas the male ends at three feet long.
Suppose you have 27 square feet -that's equal to 3 square yards... Just picture in your mind that 3 square feet wide, by 3 squares feet long, to envision that 9 square feet are equal to one square yard. But please specify 'yards of what' in the future...
The manchestership canal is 30ft deep and 36 miles long.
If you are truly looking for SQUARE FEET for a building with these measurements, more informaiton will be needed. A building, whether square or rectangular, will have only two different measurements. My guess is that you are looking for cubic feet, which would include the height of the building. For Example: 30ft x 20ft x 50ft would be 30 ft wide, 20 foot deep (long), and 50 ft tall. Regardless of the placement and the symbolism of the measurements, the result is the same: 30 x 20 x 50 = 30,000 cubic ft.
One square yard is 3 feet long and 3 feet wide, therefore: 1 square yard equals 9 square feet. 3x3=9 When you measure how long and how wide something is, you get its area, which can be done in square yards. You can figure out how big your backyard is, or a football field, or enough carpet to do your room.
We can't figure that out until we know the width of the room too. The area is 14 square feet for each foot of width.
There is not enough information to figure the cubic feet of the pallet. The depth would be needed for that. There is enough information to figure the surface area, which is measured in square feet, square inches, etc. To find the area of an object, take the length times the width. 40 inches X 48 inches = 192 square inches or 16 square feet.
6 feet wide by 10 feet long is 60 square feet