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There is no simple method to calculate logarithms. The traditional way to find a log of a number was to look it up in a table. You then had to add for the power of ten in the top digit. For the number 2000, you would look up 2.00 in the table and get the result .30103. Then, because 2000 is 2.00 x 103, you would add 3 to the answer and get 3.30103.

Luckily, that isn't usually necessary anymore. Nearly all good calculators have a log button. You can also do them with the Google search bar (hardly anyone seems to know this). Just type in log(2000) and Google instantly gives the answer:

log(2 000) = 3.30103
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Q: How do you find the logarithm of a number?
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How do you figure the logarithm of a number?

to get the logarythm of a number you must first find the square root of the number and then times it by the original number

What is the difference between the common logarithm and the natural logarithm?

A logarithm is the exponent to which a number called a base is raised to become a different specific number. A common logarithm uses 10 as the base and a natural logarithm uses the number e (approximately 2.71828) as the base.

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Take the logarithm of your number, divide it by 3 then take the antilog.

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The natural logarithm is the logarithm having base e, whereThe common logarithm is the logarithm to base 10.You can probably find both definitions in wikipedia.

What is a natural logarithm?

That is a logarithm to the base "e", where "e" is a number that is approximately 2.718.

Why is log -10 display an error on the calculator?

In the real numbers, the logarithm is only defined for positive numbers. The logarithm of zero or a negative number is undefined. (For calculators who work with complex number, only the logarithm of zero is undefined.) This follows from the definition of the logarithm, as the solution of: 10x = whatever "Whatever" is the number of which you want to calculate the logarithm. Since 10x is always positive, that means you can't find an "x" such that the power results in a negative number, or in zero. The same applies if you use a base other than 10, for example the number e = 2.718...

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A number for which a given logarithm stands is the result that the logarithm function yields when applied to a specific base and value. For example, in the equation log(base 2) 8 = 3, the number for which the logarithm stands is 8.

What is an antilogarithm?

An antilogarithm is the number of which the given number is the logarithm (to a given base). If x is the logarithm of y, then y is the antilogarithm of x.

How can you determine the logarithm of a number like 6.25 x 10-9?

Find log 6.25 and add (-9) to it.

Is a logarithm an irrational number?

Usually, but not necessarily. A logarithm that is not an integer-value is irrational. For example log10100 = 2 which is a rational number. log1012 = 1.0791812460476... which is an irrational number.

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The "base of the natural logarithm" is the number known as "e". It is approximately 2.718.

How do you find the square root of a number that is not perfect square number?

The simplest way to do it is to use Logarithms, from a book of Logarithmic Tables and Anti-logarithms. You simply look up the Logarithm of your quantity, then divide that quantity by 2 , and then look up its Anti-logarithm. that will give you the answer.