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In the real numbers, the logarithm is only defined for positive numbers. The logarithm of zero or a negative number is undefined. (For calculators who work with complex number, only the logarithm of zero is undefined.) This follows from the definition of the logarithm, as the solution of:

10x = whatever

"Whatever" is the number of which you want to calculate the logarithm. Since 10x is always positive, that means you can't find an "x" such that the power results in a negative number, or in zero.

The same applies if you use a base other than 10, for example the number e = 2.718...

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Q: Why is log -10 display an error on the calculator?
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What is the difference between operating range and display range?

Display range for a calculator may be 10 digits. That is all the screen will display. The operating range may be 12 digits, 2 extra digits are kept in memory so that the next calculation will have less rounding error.

How do you make natural log to log with base of 10?

To make a natural log a log with the base of 10, you take ten to the power of you natural log. Ex: ln15=log10ln15=log510.5640138 I'm sorry if you don't have a calculator that can do this, but this will work.

How do you find logarithms using a calculator?

If you are using a scientific calculator you will have a key labelled "log". To find the logarithm (to base 10) of a number, simply enter "log" followed by the number that you want to log. If you want a natural logarithm - log to the base e - use the "ln" key instead. If you haven't got a scientific calculator, use the one on your computer.

How do you answer log 8 plus log 3 the base is assumed to be 10?

log base 10 of 24. Use your calculator. log(24)Thanks, but i mean after you get to log 10 of 24 it looks like this24=10^x how do I figure this i meanType in the "log(" button, then 24 if you're using a graphing calculator.Type in 24 then "log" if you're using a small scientific calculator.Spreadsheet programs can do it as well. Type this:=log(24)in a cell and press the Enter key.

How to convert log values into antilog values?

1.Using calculator-press the 'shift' button and then the log number to be converted. N:B:Estimate answer to 3 s.f 2.You can also fin antilog by raising the log by power 10.e.g antilog of x is 10^x

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If you enter a number into a calculator nad then press the log x key what does the calculator display?

It displays the power to which '10' would have to be raised in order to get the number you entered. That's the definition of the 'logarithm' or 'log' of a number. Examples: Enter 100. Hit 'log x'. Display '2', because 102 = 100. Enter 1000. Hit 'log x'. Display '3', because 103 = 1000. Enter 2. Hit 'log x'. Display '0.30103', because 100.30103 = 2. Enter 0.1. Hit 'log x'. Display ' -1 ', because 10-1= (1/101) = 0.1

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Most calculators come with a log button, which is always in base 10. So you should type the (-) symbol and then log button then 10

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It depends on the type of calculator you have. If you have a 8-digit calculator, the largest square number you can display is 99,980,001. If you have a 10-digit calculator, the largest square number you can display is 9,999,800,001. With a TI-84, you can display 9.999999999e99 (which is actually rounded).

What is the logarithm of 1.0882?

Ever heard of calculator?? log to base 10 = 0.0367087, natural log, 0.08452495

What is the difference between operating range and display range?

Display range for a calculator may be 10 digits. That is all the screen will display. The operating range may be 12 digits, 2 extra digits are kept in memory so that the next calculation will have less rounding error.

What is log 100 base e?

log 100 base e = log 100 base 10 / log e base 10 log 100 base 10 = 10g 10^2 base 10 = 2 log 10 base 10 = 2 log e base 10 = 0.434294 (calculator) log 100 base e = 2/0.434294 = 4.605175

How do you calculate log 1.616?

It is: 10 0.2084413564 = 1.616 by using a scientific calculator

How do you make natural log to log with base of 10?

To make a natural log a log with the base of 10, you take ten to the power of you natural log. Ex: ln15=log10ln15=log510.5640138 I'm sorry if you don't have a calculator that can do this, but this will work.

How do you use the anti log on a TI-89 calculator'?

To find anti log of a number enter the number as the exponent of 10.

What expression is equivalent to log10 90?

Assuming the question is about log 90 to base 10, that is log1090, the answer is easily found using the scientific calculator which comes with your operating system.Assuming the question is about log 90 to base 10, that is log1090, the answer is easily found using the scientific calculator which comes with your operating system.Assuming the question is about log 90 to base 10, that is log1090, the answer is easily found using the scientific calculator which comes with your operating system.Assuming the question is about log 90 to base 10, that is log1090, the answer is easily found using the scientific calculator which comes with your operating system.

Where is the EXP button on your Casio calculator?

On my CASIO fx-115MS it is the "log" button you need to press the "shift" button then press log and a small "10" will appear on your calculator screen. Hope this helps...

How do you calculate an antilog on a TI-86 calculator?

The anti-log is "10^x" listed above the "LOG" key on a TI-86 calculator. All you have to do to use it is press the yellow "2nd" key (this means shift) and then press the "LOG" key.