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A trapezium has a pair of parallel sides of different lengths so in order to find its 2nd parallel side the information given must include its height.

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Q: How do you find the parallel sides of trapezium if we know the area and the length?
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A trapezium of area 140 m has parallel sides 10cm apart and one of these sides is 16 cm long find the length of the other parallel sides?

The area of the trapezium cannot be 140 metres since the latter is a length, not an area. Suppose the area is 140 m2 = 1400000 cm2 Suppose the length of the second parallel side is x cm. Area of trapezium = 1/2*(sum of lengths of parallel sides*distance between them) ie 1400000 = 1/2*[(16+x)*10] 280000 = 16+x so x = 279984 cm = 2.79984 kilometres.

Two parallel sides of the trapezium are 10m and 22m whose non parallel sides are 13m and 14m find the area of trapezium?


Area of the trapezium is?

Let the two parallel sides be a and b, and the distance between them, the height of the trapezium, be h. Then: area of trapezium = 1/2 (a+b) h That is half the sum of the two parallel sides times the height of the trapezium.

What is the formula for a Trapezium?

Trapezium :Area(A) = 1/2 h(a + b)where a and b are the length of the parallel sidesh= distance between two parallel lines .Perimeter(P) = a + b + c + dwhere a,b,c and d are the length of the sides.

Area of trapezium?

Area = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*heightNote: A trapezium in the UK is known as a trapezoid in the USA

What are the properties of height and trapezium?

The area of a trapezium is found because: 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height = area

What is the formaula for the area of a trapezium?

If the two parallel side of the trapezium are a and b and height of the trapezium (the distance between the parallel sides) is h then the area is given by:Area = 1/2 (a + b) x hHalf the sum of the lengths of the parallel sides times the distance between them.

Formula for area of trapezium?

Area = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*heightNote: A trapezium in the UK is known as a trapezoid in the USA

Can you have a detailed description of a trapezium?

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with two parellel sides which are not of equal length. If it is represented with its longest of the two parallel sides at the bottom, its two top angles are obtuse, or one is a right angle, and its two bottom angles are acute, though the one below a right angle would also be a right angle. The area of the trapezium is determined by multiplying the distance between the two parallel sides (called the height) by the average length of the two parallel sides.

How do you work out the area of a trapezuim?

Area of a trapezium = 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height

How do you work out the area of trapezium?

Area = 1/2*(sum of the parallel sides)*height

What are the characteristics of a trapezium?

has two parallel sideshas four straight linesThe area of the trapezium is given by the following formula where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is the perpendicular distance between the parallel sides.