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Let the second base be x:

0.5*(first base+x)*height = area

x = (2*area/height) - first base

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Q: How do you find the second base of a trapezoid when given the first base the height and the area?
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How do you find the height of a trapezoid when area given?

If the lengths of the bases are also given then rearrange the area of the trapezoid formula so that the height is the subject.

How do you find the height of the trapezoid given area?

Height = Area*2/sum of parallel sides

What is the height of an isosceles trapezoid if the bases are 8 and 12?

With the information given it can be any height greater than zero units. If the area was given, or the lengths of the equal sides were given, then the height can be calculated specifically.

What is height of trapezoid with area of 9 and bases of 2.4 and 3.6?

To find the height of a trapezoid with the given area and bases, you can use the formula for the area of a trapezoid: A = (1/2)(b1 + b2)(h), where A is the area, b1 and b2 are the bases, and h is the height. Rearranging the formula, we can calculate the height as: h = 2A / (b1 + b2). Therefore, the height of the given trapezoid is: h = 2(9) / (2.4 + 3.6) = 2.25 units.

What is the area of the trapezoid all length measure are in centimeters round the answer to one decimal place?

That depends on its dimensions of which none have been given but the area of a trapezoid is: 0.5*(sum of its parallel sides)*height

How do you find the value of x in a trapezoid given the median?

Given the median and trapezoid MOPN, what is the value of x?

How do you find the height of a trapezoid given the area and bases?

Multiply the area by 2 and then divide it by the sum of its bases which will result to its height.

How do you find the height of a trapezoid if only the area and the parallel sides are given the sides are 12 cm and 19 cm respectively and there are two lines in the middle of the trapezoid?

We will take the height as unknown, so Unknown = X Area = 1/2 x X x (12 + 19) X = A/31 And there you have it. :D.

Given the median QR and trapezoid MNOP what is the value of x Top x plus 8 Middle 24 Bottom 5x plus 4?

Not too sure of your question but the area of a trapezoid is:- 0.5*(sum of parallel sides)*height Hope the given formula helps you

How to get the height of the bounce of the ball given the 1st and second bounce?

It all depends on the height the ball has been dropped and the weight of the ball.

What is the area of a trapezoid with the height of 12cm and the base of 15 cm?

The formula to calculate the area of a trapezoid is (1/2) * sum of the bases * height. Given that the height is 12 cm and the bases are 15 cm and another side, the area can be calculated as (1/2) * (15 + b) * 12, where b is the length of the other base.

Find the area of a trapezoid with the bases of 6centimeters and 8centimeters with the height of 5centimeters?

Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(b1 + b2)(h) We have: b1 = 6cm b2 = 8 cm h = 5 cm Substitute the given values into the area formula: Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(b1 + b2)(h) Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(6 cm + 8 cm)(5 cm) Trapezoid Area = (1/2)(14 cm)(5 cm) Trapezoid Area = (7 cm)(5 cm) Trapezoid Area = 35 cm^2