To convert a simple decimal into a fraction, you have to go through three steps. First count the number of digits to the right of the decimal. That number will be the power of ten in the denominator. Then you'll simply place the digits in the numerator over that denominator and you're done. Let's do a few.
.4 (0.4) has one digit right of the decimal. That means 101 will be in the denominator. That's 10. Now take the 4 and put it on top, and you have 4/10 for your fraction.
.82 has two digits right of the decimal. That means 102 will be in the denominator. That's 100. Put the 82 over the top, and you have 82/100 for your fraction.
.603 has three digits right of the decimal. That means 103 will be in the denominator. That's 1000. Put the 603 on top, and you'll have 603/1000 for your fraction.
.0075 has four digits right of the decimal. That means 104 will be in the denominator. That's 10000. Put the 75 on top, and you'll have 75/10000 for your fraction. (Note that there are only two digits in the decimal, and that's all we need in the fraction.)
put it over a denominator that is used when saying it
ex .1= 1 / 10 = one tenth
I'm going to assume you mean how;
.1 is one tenths 1/10
.01 is one hundredths so 1/100
.001 is one thousandths so 1/1000
.0001 is one ten-thousandths so 1/10,000
and so on
Ah, let's turn that decimal into a fraction. Simply put, 19.4 as a fraction is 97/5. Just like painting a happy little tree, sometimes all it takes is a few brushstrokes to transform something into a beautiful new form.
Any kind of fraction becomes decimal notation if you divide the denominator into the numerator. Any decimal notation becomes a percent if you multiply it by 100.
decimal fraction and the reduced mixed fraction for 9.4? 47/5; 9 2/59.4 * 10/10 = 94/10 or 47/5 in decimal fraction9.4 = 9 + 4/10 = 9 4/10 or 9 2/5 in mixed fraction
If it is a recurring decimal 6 then its fraction is 2/3
0.189 in fraction form is 189/1000. To convert a decimal to a fraction, you can write the decimal as a fraction over a power of 10. In this case, 0.189 is equivalent to 189/1000 because the decimal point is three places to the right of the tenths place.
You turn a fraction into a decimal by dividing the top number by the bottom. And you turn a decimal into a percent by multiplying the decimal by 100.
To turn a fraction into a decimal, simply divide the numerator by the denominator.
you have 2 turn the percent into a decimal the you can easily turn the decimal into a fraction
Though there are an unlimited amount of ways to show a fraction as a decimal. There is only one way to turn a fraction into a decimal.
you turn the decimal into a fraction then you turn the fraction into a whole number and add a percent sign
decimal and repeating bar
As a fraction it is simply 18/1 and as a decimal it is simply 18.0
You turn the decimal into a fraction. Then you can find the equivalent fraction.
See the "relevant answers" below.
916 is an integer not a fraction. As a decimal number it is 916, as in the question.
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