percentage, decimal, fraction
Starting with one of fraction, percent or decimal, find an equivalent value in one of the other ways of expressing numbers.
A ratio can be interpreted in three main ways, namely as a fraction, a decimal or a percentage.
They are all different ways of representing numbers.
As a decimal: 1400.0 As an improper fraction: 1400/1
I think there is three different ways to write a fraction. You can write it as a percent, a decimal, and a reduced fraction. I hope this works! :)
percentage, decimal, fraction
They are both ways of representing parts of whole numbers.
Starting with one of fraction, percent or decimal, find an equivalent value in one of the other ways of expressing numbers.
A ratio can be interpreted in three main ways, namely as a fraction, a decimal or a percentage.
There are many ways to convert 70 into a decimal and a fraction. You can also do it by approximating. If you take 70, for instance, just like you said, 75 is extremely close to this number. You can write 75 like this in a decimal: 0.75, and in a fraction: 3/4 I don't know how to write 70 in a fraction, but conversion websites, calculators, and maths books do. But to write it in a decimal, I think it is: 0.70, or 0.7. I hope I helped you.
If you mean 6/8 then it is 3/4 as a reduced fraction or 0.75 as a decimal
A decimal shows numbers in tenths, hundredths, and other powers of ten. A fraction can be shown in other ways such as elevenths and fifteenths as well as tenths and hundredths.
They are all different ways of representing numbers.
As a decimal: 1400.0 As an improper fraction: 1400/1
The fraction "15/100" or the decimal ".15"
1) fraction 2) decimal 3) percent