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There are many ways, particularly in shopping. For example, if you buy x amount of Hamburgers, and they cost c amout of money, and you have $20, you have to know if x decreases (you have to buy less hamburgers.) I have an Iowa standard pre-algebra test today so it's all fresh in my memory! That was kind of like a question we had. If you have anymore questions email me at


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Q: How do you use algebra every day?
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How do you use algebra in every day life?

U dont

Why do you think it important to study algebra?

Algebra is a basic fundamental of mathematics. If you don't do well in Algebra, chances are, you won't do well in other math areas such as Geometry and Pre-Calculus. Algebra is also an everyday thing. We use Algebra every day!

How do lawyers use algebra?

Lawyers probably don't use algebra on a day to day basis. However, algebra is used on a day to day basis by many people for small things, such as how much milk to put in a recipe if they are cutting it in half.

Is algebra used in every day life?

It is used in such professions such as science when working out equations and also with Accountants when working out an amount of money to someone. Another profession that uses algebra is an Architect. They use equations to work out the size of buildings and other structures, also engineers Use algebra for precise calculations.

When is algebra used in every day life?

It is used in such professions such as science when working out equations and also with accountants when working out an amount of money to someone. Another profession that uses algebra is an Architect. They use equations to work out the size of buildings and other structures, also engineers Use algebra for precise calculations.

Why is algebra important to learn for everyday life?

algerbra is important because you will use it in every day life. If you don't know algerbra you a stupid prick

Do you use algebra in every day life?

Yes, even tho you might not write it out, you still use it. When you go to the bank and deposit checks or withdraw money, you are using positive and negative numbers.

When and where does algebra get used in every day of life?

Anywhere, at any time. Architects, chemist, engineers...

Where and how they use algebra in the real world?

Every science uses algebra, every social science uses algebra and all business uses algebra. And that is only a few of the places algebra is used in the real world. Science. Can not do chemistry stoichiometry without algebra. Social science. Stats are big in social science and their manipulation is algebraic. Business. Try figuring out future interest rates without algebraic formulas.

Why use algebra?

We use algebra to predict things.

What is alternative algebra?

Alternative algebra is a form of algebra such that every subalgebra generated by two elements is associative.

Do scientists use algebra?

yes.Yup. Scientists use algebra all the time, no question. Even biologists.