No, he did not. Algebra was around long before he was.
There were no Muslims around 4000 years ago when the Babylonians began using what we now call algebra.
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It’s been nice Gnawing you
Algebra is a tremendously useful mathematical tool, without which modern science and technology would not have been possible. Algebra was invented as a tool for solving mathematical problems, and it has proved to be tremendously useful. Modern technology as we know it would have been impossible without the use of algebra. +++ More accurately, algebra is the set of symbols and rules used to construct mathematics. It is not a calculating tool to solve problems in its own right, but allows you to express the ways in which to solve those problems.
No, he did not. Algebra was around long before he was.
how long has deforestation been around
As long as guns have been around.
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As long as So Random has been around.
That depends on how much you have been taught and learnt about the subject of algebra.
They have always been around
234 years fool
how long have boxing been around?
There were no Muslims around 4000 years ago when the Babylonians began using what we now call algebra.
The time football has been around for is a long timeFootball has been around for a long time but we do not know how long it has been around