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if you mean common tangents

there can be only 2 tangents

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Q: How many tangents can be drawn on three circles if they dont lie within each other?
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What is a figure made of circles rectangles squares and other two-dimensional figures?

A Snow Man!!

How do you find the missing angle in a circle?

-- Collect all of the information you're given ... such as the dimensions of the circle or of additional lines drawn inside the circle or touching it, and the size of other angles that are not missing. -- Recall and collect the various laws, relations, and formulas you know that relate to circles, or to whatever other shapes have been added to the drawing you have of the circle with the missing angle. -- Identify one or two of the mathematical or geometric operations you know that can make the connection between the given information and the missing angle.

What is venn diagram represents?

Venn diagrams are used to visually represent sets, subsets and which sets or subsets form unions and intersections. For example if there are N employees in a department comprising men, women, smokers, non-smokers, vegetarians, non-vegetarians, then N is the total set and within that there are subsets for example 1) Men who smoke and are vegetarins 2) Women who don't smoke and are non-vegetarians 3) ..... 4) so on Venn diagrams (usually using circles) can depict pictorially how these subsets relate to the main set and other subsets. Once this picture is clealy drawn and understood further mathematical analysis becomes easy.

What is the area between four circles with a radius of 10?

This is assuming that the four circles are arranged in a square, with each circle touching two other circles at their tangents.First, you need to determine the area created by drawing a square between the center points of all of the circles.Circle radius = 10Side of square = 10 * 2, or 20Area of square = 20 * 20, or 400Now that you have that area, you can deduct the four quarters of the circles inside the square area. You can do it the long way, but four quarters of identical circles equals the area of one of the circlesArea of circle = pi * r^2= pi * 100=3.14159 *100=314.159Square Area - (4) quarter circle area400 - 314.159= 85.841

What would be the circumference of 6 cm in a circle?

The circumference of a 6 cm diameter circle is: about 18.85 cm. You can easily do this calculation for other circles by multiplying the diameter by Pi (about 3.1416).

Related questions

How many tangents can be drawn from a single point?

Two tangents can be drawn from a point outside a circle to the circle. The answer for other curves depends on the curve.

What is a concetric circles?

Concentric circles are a series of circles within each other.

What are 2 circles drawn next to each other with the same radius called?


What parallels are not circles?

If two circles are drawn using the same centre, the two lines of the circles are parallel as they don't meet each other.Two straight lines (think of railway tracks) are drawn next to each other, but never meet, they are parallel lines.

Examples of concentric circles?

Concentric circles are circles within other circles. Some examples of concentric circles are archery targets, the bullseye on a dart board, the eye, a wheel with a hubcap.

What is the measure of the angle formed by two tangents drawn to a circle from an external point if they intersect a major arc whose measure is 243 and the minor arc measures 117?

63o. Join the points where the tangents touch the circle to its centre to form a quadrilateral (two meeting tangents and two radii). These angles are both 90o, summing to 180o. Thus the other two angles - the one at the centre of the circle and the one where the tangents meet - sum to 360o - 180o = 180o (they are supplementary). The centre angle is given as 117o (the minor arc), so the angle where the tangents met is 180o - 117o = 63o.

How do you put 7 small circles in 3 big ones so that each big circle has 4 small circles?

You interlock the 3 large circles as in how part of the Olympic rings look, or as in a Venn diagram. So, each large circle shares are a section with each of the other two, and there is a central section that is within all 3 circles. Now, simply place a small circle in each of the 7 sections of the diagram: - the 3 sections that are only in 1 large circle - the 3 sections that are within 2 large circles - the 1 central section that is within all 3 large circles Voila! You have 4 small circles within each large circle.

Use a venn diagram compare a hypothesis with a theory?

venn diagram is two circles drawn that overlap each other. the diff between the two go on the outside of the circles. the similarities are written in the overlapping parts of the circles. a theory is a tested hypothesis. hypothesis are educated guesses while theories are backed by experimentation and results. there are other differences to just look up the definition of each.

Can you draw eight triangles withh six lines?

Yes if drawn within an octagon from a vertex to each of the other vertices will give you 8 triangles within the octagon

What is the diffrerence between concentric and eccentric circles?

Concentric circles have the same centre point while eccentric circles although being within each other have differing centre points[the inner cirles are off centre].

Why two streamlines can not intersect with each other?

The direction of the velocity of a fluid at any point is taken to be tangential to its streamline at that point. When two streamlines intersect two tangents can be drawn at the point of intersection. It inturn means that the fluid has velocity in two different directions which is not possible. Therefore 2 streamlines cannot intersect.

Does a tangent circle pass through the center of the circle?

If the tangent circles are outside of one another, then neither passes through the center of the other. If one circle is within the other, then the inner tangent circle might contain the center point of the larger circle. There will be infinitely many inner tangent circles that do not.