

If 3x 5x -8then x 1?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: If 3x 5x -8then x 1?
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If you meant 3x2 - 5x + 2, here is your answer 3x2 - 5x +2 = 0 => 3x2 - 3x - 2x + 2 = 0 => 3x(x-1) - 2(x-1) = 0 => (3x - 2) (x-1) = 0 => x = 2/3 or, x = 1

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x=1 2/3 How?: 2x-4+3 = 5x-6 2x-1 = 5x-6 2x-1+1 = 5x-6+1 2x = 5x-5 2x-5x = 5x-5x-5 -3x = -5 -3x/-3 = -5/-3 x = 5/3 x = 1 2/3

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5x-2 = 3x-6 5x = 3x - 6 +2 5x = 3x - 4 5x - 3x = -4 2x = -4 x = -2

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(-3x+1)(x+2) = 0 x = -2 or x = 1/3

Which expression is equivalent to 5x(x 2) -3(x-1)?

If you mean: 5x(x+2)-3(x-1) then it is 5x^2 +10x-3x+3 or as 5x^2 +7x+3

5x3-3x plus 4 -3x3-2x2 plus 6x-1?

Am I right :P?5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1Since 5x^(3) and -3x^(3) are like terms, add -3x^(3) to 5x^(3) to get 2x^(3).(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=2x^(3)-3x+4-2x+6x-1Since -3x and -2x are like terms, subtract 2x from -3x to get -5x.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=2x^(3)-5x+4+6x-1Since -5x and 6x are like terms, subtract 6x from -5x to get x.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=2x^(3)+x+4-1Subtract 1 from 4 to get 3.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=2x^(3)+x+3To find the derivative of 2x^(3), multiply the base (x) by the exponent (3), then subtract 1 from the exponent.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=6x^(2)+(d)/(dx) x+3To find the derivative of x, multiply the base (x) by the exponent (1), then subtract 1 from the exponent (1-1=0). Since the exponent is now 0, x is eliminated from the term.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=6x^(2)+1+(d)/(dx) 3Since 3 does not contain x, the derivative of 3 is 0.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=6x^(2)+1+0Add 0 to 1 to get 1.(d)/(dx) 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1=6x^(2)+1The derivative of 5x^(3)-3x+4-3x^(3)-2x+6x-1 is 6x^(2)+1.6x^(2)+1