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Q: In a fluid filled container why is the pressure greater at the base of the container?
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What Differential Pressure Transmitters Do?

Differential pressure transmitters were originally designed for use in pipes to measure pressure before and after the fluid encounters a filter, pump, or another interruption in flow. Standard differential pressure transmitters come with two process connections arranged side by side to measure the drop in pressure (d) between the higher and lower points (H and L, respectively, in Figure 1). Classic differential pressure transmitters can also measure flow rates. It wasn’t long before people realized that differential pressure measurements could be used to determine liquid level as well.

What is half of a cup?

That would be a quarter of a cup or 1/4 of a cup

How many gallons of fluid are in a cylindrical fuel tank that is 7 feet diameter 20 feet long?

There will be about 5757 US gallons in a full tank of this size. A cylinder's volume is the area of the base times its height. The area of the base is pi times the square of the radius of that base. A radius is half a diameter. Half of 7 feet is 3 1/2 feet. If we take pi times the square of that, we'll get about 38.48 square feet. Multiply that by the 20 foot length and you'll get about 769.6 cubic feet. There are about 7.5 gallons in a cubic foot of water. Multiply the 769.6 feet3 (the volume) by 7.5 gallons/foot3 and there's the (approximately) 5757 gallons (US) in that tank.

What is mean by scalar point function?

Def. Scalar function. A scalar function is a function that assigns a real number (i.e. a scalar) to a set of real variables. Its general form isu = u(x1, x2, ... , xn)where x1, x2, ... , xn are real numbers.ORDef. Scalar point function. A scalar point function is a function that assigns a real number (i.e. a scalar) to each point of some region of space. If to each point (x, y, z) of a region R in space there is assigned a real number u = Φ(x, y, z), then Φ is called a scalar point function. Examples. 1. The temperature distribution within some body at a particular point in time. 2. The density distribution within some fluid at a particular point in time

What is the greatest possible error for a measurement of 25 fluid ounces?

The greatest possible error will be ½ × 25 fl oz = 12½ fl oz = 12.5 fl oz when your measuring device is only marked with in 25 fl oz graduations and the reading is taken to the nearest graduation mark: every reading up to half way between two graduations will round down to the lower of the two, and every reading half and above will round up to the higher of the two. However, usually reading to a whole number will assume rounding to the nearest whole number and so the usual error will be ±½, ie an error of 0.5 fl oz.

Related questions

If the air pressure inside a container were greater than the fluid pressure outside the container what would happen?

If the air pressure inside the container is greater than the fluid pressure outside, the fluid will not be able to enter the container. The container will remain sealed because the higher air pressure inside pushes back against the fluid pressure outside, preventing any entry.

What happens to the pressure at the top of a container if the preasure at the bottom is increased?

The pressure at the top of the container will also increase if the pressure at the bottom is increased. This is because pressure in a fluid increases with depth due to the weight of the fluid above creating a greater force pushing down.

How does the pressure at the bottom of a container depends on the container shape and the fluid height?

The pressure at the bottom of a container depends on the weight of the fluid above it, which is determined by the height of the fluid. The shape of the container does not affect the pressure at the bottom as long as the fluid column height is the same. The pressure increases with increasing fluid height due to the increase in weight of the fluid.

The pressure a fluid in a closed container exerts can be increased by thrust?

In a closed container, the pressure of a fluid can be increased by applying a force or thrust to compress the fluid. This results in an increase in the kinetic energy of the fluid molecules, leading to a higher pressure within the container.

How do fluids exert a pressure?

Fluids exert pressure due to the weight of the fluid above pushing down. The pressure at a specific point in a fluid is the same in all directions, resulting from the individual molecules colliding with each other and the walls of the container. The greater the depth of the fluid or the denser the fluid, the higher the pressure.

What force is applied to fluid in a container?

The force applied to a fluid in a container is called hydrostatic pressure. It is the result of the weight of the fluid above a certain point in the container pressing down on that point. This pressure is exerted evenly in all directions within the fluid.

When you exert force on a fluid in a closed container does the pressure increase decrease or remain constant?

When force is exerted on a fluid in a closed container, the pressure will increase. This is because pressure is directly proportional to the force applied to a fluid.

The collision of the molecules of a fluid inside the surface of their container best describes?

The collision of molecules of a fluid inside the surface of their container can be described as pressure. The impact of the molecules colliding with the container walls creates a force per unit area, which is what we perceive as pressure. This pressure is dependent on factors like temperature, volume, and the number of molecules in the container.

Does height of water column depend upon pressure?

Yes, the height of a water column in a container does depend on the pressure acting on it. The greater the pressure, the higher the water column will be due to greater force pushing the water upwards. This is based on the principle of hydrostatic pressure in fluid mechanics.

Why is the pressure at the bottom of an object in fluid greater than the pressure at the top of the object?

because of the height, as you go down further in depth the greater the pressure. imagine when you at a greater depth the greater amount of fluid you have to endure. the pressure would be the same everywhere at the same depth in fluid but the force on the object would depend on the area of the object.

The fluid pressure 10 ft underwater is the fluid pressure 5 ft underwater?

No, the fluid pressure increases with depth underwater. The pressure at 10 ft underwater will be greater than the pressure at 5 ft underwater due to the weight of the water above exerting a greater force at greater depths.

When a force is applied to a fluid in a closed container the pressure increases everywhere by the same amount?

When a force is applied to a fluid in a closed container, the pressure increases uniformly throughout the fluid. This is because the molecules of the fluid transmit the force in all directions equally, resulting in a uniform increase in pressure.