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There is no equation in the question and so there can be no answer.

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Q: In the equation X is x positive negative or zero?
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In this equation is X positive negative or zero x plus 9 6?

In the equation x + 9 = 6, x is negative.

Why does the product of an integer multiplied by itself cannot be negative?

There are just three possible cases: Positive integer: positive x positive = positive. Negative integer: negative x negative = positive. Zero: zero x zero = zero.

Is the x axis positive?

No, it is negative, zero and positive.

Does -x always represent a negative number why or why not?

No. If x, itself, is negative then -x is positive. Or x could be zero, in which case, -x is not negative, either.

What does a negative minus a negative equal?

Suppose x and y are two POSITIVE numbers so that -x and -y are negative. Then a negative minus a negative = (-x) - (-y) = -x +y If x > y the answer is negative If x = y the answer is zero If x < y the answer is positive

If x and y are positive integers is x-y always positive?

No, it can also be zero or negative, depending on their magnitudes.

What is signum function?

That is a function defined as: f(x) = -1 if x is negative f(x) = 0 if x is zero f(x) = 1 if x is positive In other words, a function that basically distinguishes whether the input is positive, negative, or zero.

What is the answer to -34 x 0?

The answer is zero. If you multiply any number, no matter if it's negative or positive, by zero the answer will be zero.

When is there no solution possible to an absolute value equation and why?

For example: | x | = -1 Or any other equation where the absolute value of any expression is negative. This doesn't have a solution, because the absolute number of any expression is always positive, or zero, never negative.

How can you tell if a parabola moves up or down in an equation?

Look at the discriminant, B2 - 4AC, in the quadratic equation. As it goes from negative to positive, the parabola moves in the direction of its small end towards the X-axis. At zero, it touches the X-axis.

What are the rules multiplying integers?

Positive x Positive =Positive Positive x Negative= Negative Negative x Positive= Negative Negative x Negative =Positive

What are the rules of multiplying negatives and positives?

positive X positive = positive positive X negative = negative negative X positive = negative negative X negative = positive