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That is a function defined as:

f(x) = -1 if x is negative

f(x) = 0 if x is zero

f(x) = 1 if x is positive

In other words, a function that basically distinguishes whether the input is positive, negative, or zero.

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Q: What is signum function?
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Is signum function differentiable?

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The Fourier transfer of the signum function, sgn(t) is 2/(iω), where ω is the angular frequency (2πf), and i is the imaginary number.

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The function is called the signum function, or sign(x). It is equal to abs(x)/x

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The sign function is used to represent the absolute value of a number when used in trigonometry. It is also referred to as the signum function in math.

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I have no idea about the signam function.The signum function is odd because sgn(-x) = -sgn(x).

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When was Signum Magnum created?

Signum Magnum was created in 1967.

When was Signum Quartet created?

Signum Quartet was created in 1994.

When was Opel Signum created?

Opel Signum was created in 2003.

When was Signum Framework created?

Signum Framework was created on 2009-03-09.