A Prime number is a number with two and only two factors: 1 (also known as unity) and itself. A composite number is a number with more than two factors; in other words, it has at least one factor besides 1 and itself. 27 has factors other than 1 and itself, so it is not a prime number. For example, it is divisible by 3. (You can check this by adding the digits of the number: 2 + 7 = 9. If the sum of the digits is divisible by 3, the number is also divisible by 3.) Therefore, 27 is a composite number.
No, 27 is not prime because it is the product of a set of numbers (n, m) such that
nm = x; where 1 < n <= floor(sqrt(x)) and m <= x/2
119 is a prime number. A prime number has only 2 factors which are 1 and itself. Composite numbers are everything else except 1 and 0. 1 and 0 are neither prime, nor composite.
38 is a composite number
The number 121 is a composite number, since it is divisible by 11.
1155 is obviously a multiple of 5 and a multiple of 11, so it is a composite number.
A prime number is a number that is divisible only by 1 and itself; it has no other factors. A composite number is a number that is divisible by more than 2 numbers. The factors of 14 are 1, 2, 7, and 14. Therefore, 14 is a composite number.
27 is a composite number.
The number 27 is composite.
It is composite.
27 is a composite number having prime factors 3x3x3 or 33.
27 and 31 are prime.
45, 33 and 27 are composite numbers. 11 is a prime number.
27 and 55 are composite numbers but 13 is a prime number
27 is composite.
The numbers 13 and 29 are prime - the one composite number in that list is 27.
They are all composite numbers except 43 which is a prime number
27 is a composite number because it has more than two factors
Composite. It is divisible by 3 for any n.