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log on to

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Q: Is it log on to or log onto?
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What you wanted to know is can you log onto the rosemore zoo and see the animals?

You cannot log onto the Rosemore zoo and see the animals.

How do i log in to kik on a computer?

You log onto Kik using a laptop exactly the same way you would log onto Kik with a desktop, netbook, tablet, or any other computer.

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How do you log into peoples MySpace?

You can only log onto your own myspace, if you want to log onto someone else's myspace you have to know the e-mail and password. If not, I recomend not trying it; it'll be considered as hacking.

If an Internet user has a PPPoE connection to their ISP they can log onto the Internet using what?

If an internet user has a PPPoE connection to their ISP, they log onto the internet using what?

Where do users log in when joining an Active Directory domain?

They log onto the domain and not the actual computer.

How do you spell log unto?

The term for logging in at a website is "log on to" or "log onto" (there is a slight semantic difference that is practically never observed).

What is the log out No of tamagotchi?

To get your log out number, go onto the website, play some games and get some money and such, and click log out.

How many users log onto MySpace?

about 1,000

What websites will let you log onto AIM?

How do you log onto a computer with a domain when you are not near the domain location?

You can log onto a computer with a domain when you are not even near that domain location using a "hide IP" software.