No, There exists a counter example in the page 244 of the book Grimmett & Stirzaker, One thousand exercises in probability. The example is a Bernoulli random variable with parameter 1/3.
The absolute value of any positive number is the number itself.
It is sometimes the point where the value inside the absolute function is zero.
I beileive that the absolute value of -20 is 20 because if you do the absolute value it seems to turn out as the positive form of itself in other words, if you take -10 and find the absolute value, it is 10 and if you take 60 and find the absolute value it equals 60
apex what is the range of the absolute... answer is nonnegative real num...
A real life example for the absolute value function is a football field. Even though the center of the field is labeled zero, you wouldn't say you ran negative feet if you went backwards..
the range is all real numbers
The absolute value function returns the absolute value of a number.
An absolute-value function
No it is not
The absolute value of a function changes the original function by ensuring that any negative y values will in essence be positive. For instance, the function y = absolute value (x) will yield the value +1 when x equals -1. Graphically, this function will look like a "V".
The absolute value of any positive number is the number itself.
Zero. The absolute value |n| is positive for any real number. Subtracting it from itself is zero.
If a number is zero or positive, then its absolute value is equal to the number.
Absolute Value function
If you mean the absolute value: the absolute value of a positive number is the number itself, in this case, 3.2.