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Q: Which function has a graph that is increasing only?
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What graph represents a scenario with only one solution?

A graph in which the curve of an appropriate function crosses the x-axis only once. The curve could be of any shape.

How can you tell if a graph sHow is a function?

Test it by the vertical line test. That is, if a vertical line passes through the two points of the graph, this graph is not the graph of a function.

If a graph shows distance on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis and the speed is steadily increasing what will the line representing speed look like?

The graph of the speed will be an upward curving line increasing in curvature toward the vertical.Speed is the slope of the distance/time graph. If the speed is steadily increasing, then the slope of the line is steadily increasing. Assuming that time increases from left to right on the graph, the line curves up as it proceeds from left to right.The line representing speed would look like an increasing function, whose slope will be the acceleration.A parabola of form y=ax^2+bx+c, the a,b,c values depending on the rate of increase and initial value.

How do you tell a graph is a function if it touches the y-axis exactly one time?

The main way that a graph can be defined as a function is if it passes the vertical line test; this means that each individual x must correspond to one specific value of y. In the situation you mentioned, we don't know if the graph in question really is a function, because we only see the point at y; we don't know if the graph loops around on itself and fails the vertical line test at any other point.

What is the effect on a graph when you multiply a function by -1?

When a function is multiplied by -1 its graph is reflected in the x-axis.

Related questions

When can a graph represent a function?

A graph represents a function if and only if every input generates a single output.

What is the use of a contour plot graph?

It shows whether, and how steeply, the terrain or function is increasing or decreasing.

What is the graph of logarithm functions?

The graph of y = log(x) is defined only for x>0. The graph is a monotonic increasing function over its domain. It starts from an asymptotic "minus infinity" when x approaches 0. It passes through the value y = 0 when x = 1. The graph is illustrated at the link below.

What must be true about the average rate of change between any two points on the graph of an increasing function?

if a function is increasing, the average change of rate between any two points must be positive.

How can you tell the difference graph or function?

A function describes the relationship between two or more variables. A graph is a kind of visual representation of one or more function. A line or curve seen on a graph is called the graph of a function. * * * * * For any point in the domain, a function can map to only ine point in the range or codomain. In simpler terms, it means that (for a two dimensional graph), a vertical line can intersect the graph of the function in at most one point.

How can you tell if a graph is a function?

A graph is a function if every input (x-value) corresponds to only one output (y-value). One way to check for this is to perform the vertical line test: if a vertical line intersects the graph at more than one point, the graph is not a function.

How can you tell if a graph show a FUNCTION?

By doing a vertical line test. If you can draw a vertical line and it only passes through the graph once, its a function. If it passes through twice, it is NOT a function.

Is a circle graph a function?

No, a circle graph is never a function.

What is the relationship between a logarithmic function and its corresponding graph in terms of the log n graph?

The relationship between a logarithmic function and its graph is that the graph of a logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. This means that the logarithmic function "undoes" the exponential function, and the graph of the logarithmic function reflects this inverse relationship.

What is used to determined if the graph is a function or not?

There is a method called a vertical line test. A function is defined as a system that has one output for each input. Therefore for every x, there is only one y. So if you draw a vertical line anywhere and you get more than one point that intersects the graph, it is not a function. If it intersects only once, the graph is a function.

What is the zero of a function and how does it relate to the functions graph?

A zero of a function is a point at which the value of the function is zero. If you graph the function, it is a point at which the graph touches the x-axis.

How can you tell if a graph is a sine function or a cosine function?

sine graph will be formed at origine of graph and cosine graph is find on y-axise