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There is a missing decimal point, but I suspect it is between the 0 and the 5 as in 0.525252

If that is a terminating decimal, then 0.525252 = 525252/1000000 = 131313/250000

Alternatively, if that is meant to be a recurring decimal with the 52 repeating forever, then 0.525252... = 52/99 .052525252...=52/990 and .052052052...=52/999 52/ff in hexadecimal

52/77 in octal

Both of them are rational numbers.

All terminating, or recurring, decimals are rational numbers. It may be possible to rationalize pi using fractional digit representation like (10/3),(carried 3/3),carried 3/6, carried 5/9 and note possible fountain carry to both sides. i havent solved it yet. ie 1(1/2).2 =10.7

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Q: Is the number 0525252 rational irrational both rational and irrational or neither rational?
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