No, it would be 2.23606797749978969640917366873127623544061835961152572427089. 4, 9, 16, etc are perfect squares.
Ex: 2 x 2 = 4
3 x 3 = 9
No, 80 is a not perfect square.
Yes, a perfect square is a number that has an integer square root.
No, 3.6 is not a perfect square. A perfect square is defined as a number that has a whole number for a square root. In other words, there's no whole number that, when multiplied by itself, equals 3.6.
No, a perfect square number will ALWAYS ends in 0,1,4,5,6,9
Sometimes the square root of a positive number can be irrational, as in the square root of 2 (which is a non-perfect square number), but sometimes it is a rational number, as in the square root of 25 (which is a perfect square number).
A number multiplied by itself is a perfect square as for example 5 times 5 = 25 which is a perfect square
A perfect square is the square of an integer, i.e., an integer multiplied by itself. For example, 25 is a perfect square, because 5 x 5 = 25. But, in literal mathematical terms, a perfect number is a positive integer that is the sum of its proper positive divisors, excluding the number itself. A square number is also called a "perfect square", so an example of a square number is above. So, a perfect square number would have to be a number that is both perfect and square, and there are yet to be any of these numbers "discovered".
The mathematical term 'perfect square' means that a number, which has a rational number as its square root. 25 is a perfect square, because its square root is 5, a rational number.
No. Such a number is referred to as a perfect square. The closest perfect square to 23 is 25, the square root of which is 5.
A number is a perfect square when you can directly extract its square root in whole numbers and without approximation. When you subject a certain number to a radical sign, you can extract its square. Example: 25 is a perfect square. it's square root is 5, since 5 x 5 is equal to 25
Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".Then the number is called a "perfect square".
a number is a perfect square when you can directly extract its square root in whole numbers and without approximation. when you subject a certain number to a radical sign, you can extract its square. example: 25 is a perfect square. it's square root is 5, since 5 x 5 is equal to 25
The square of 5 is 25 ... an integer, rational.
It is a square number but not a perfect square. The nearest perfect squares, on either side, are 4^2 = 16 and 5^2 = 25. Since there is no integer between 4 and 5 and the square is a strictly monotonic function, 18 cannot be a perfect square.
A perfect square is a rational number that is the square of another rational number. 9, 16, 25, etc., are perfect squares of 3, 4, 5, etc., and X2 + 6X + 9 is a perfect square of (X + 3).
yes b/c 5 times 5 is 25! any number times itself is a perfect square.
99801 is the greatest 5 digit number * * * * * 99801 is not a perfect square! Sqrt(99801) = 315.91 (approx). The largest 5 digit perfect square is 99856 = 3162