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A triangle has fewer than 4 vertices.

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A polygon that has less then 4 vertices

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Q: Name a polygon that has less than 4 vertices?
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Which polygon has less than 4 vertices?

A triangle has three vertices.

Which polygon has more than 5 vertices?

Every polygon that is not a triabgle (3 vertices), quadrilateral (4 vertices) or pentagon (5 vertices) has more than 5 vertices.

How many curved edges in convex polygon?

None.A polygon is made up of straight line edges between its vertices. There are the same number of edges as vertices in a polygon.In the case of a polygon, it is convex if all interior angles are less than 180o.

What is the minimum number of triangles required to triangulate an hendecagon?

9 (two less than the number of vertices in the polygon).

Does a polygon have more vertices than sides?


How many diagonals can be drawn from one vertex of a 12 sided polygon?

10 ... any polygon it is 2 less than the number of sides or vertices wince they are the same.

What is a polygon with 2 more vertices than a quadrilateral?


What is apolygon that is convex?

A convex polygon is defined as a polygon with all its interior angles less than 180°. This means that all the vertices of the polygon will point outwards, away from the interior of the shape. Think of it as a 'bulging' polygon. A triangle (3-gon) is always convex.

What has more than 4 equal corner?

Any regular polygon with more than 4 sides with have all its corners (vertices) equal. Furthermore, an irregrular polygon with more than four sides can always have four equal vertices.

What polygon shape has more than 5 verticles?

Polygons of 6 or more sides have more than 5 vertices such as an octagon which has 8 vertices

What 3D shape has less than 3 vertices?

It is a sphere, a cylinder and a cone that have less than 3 vertices!

What is the sum of the angle measures in a 20 sided polygon?

The answer is 324 degrees. The general formula is (n-2)*180 degrees, where n=number of sides/vertices(both are same). But this is valid only for convex polygon (every internal angle is strictly less than 180 degrees & every line segment between two nonadjacent vertices of the polygon is strictly interior to the polygon except at its endpoints)