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4th quadrant

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Q: Quadrant with x value are positive and y value are negative?
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How do you find the quadrant number of a point?

If the points have both positive y-values and x-values it is quadrant 1 If the points have a negative x-value and a positive y-value it is quadrant 2 If the points have both negative y-values and x-values it is quadrant 3 If the points have a positive x-values and a negative y-value it is quadrant 4

What are the x and y for each quadrant on a graph?

Quadrant I: x positive, y positive. Quadrant II: x negative, y positive. Quadrant III: x negative, y negative. Quadrant II: x positive, y negative.

What points are in the second quadrant of the xy-plane?

Anything with a negative (-) x value and positive (+) y value is in the second quadrant.

What are the signs of the coordinate in every quadrant?

Quadrant I: Top Right: x positive, y positive Quadrant II: Top Left: x negative, y positive Quadrant III: Bottom Left: x negative, y negative Quadrant IV: Bottom Right: x positive, y negative

In which quadrant will the value of x be negative?

The value of x will be negative in the bottom left quadrant (quadrant 3) and the top left quadrant (quadrant 2).

What quadrant of a coordinate plane it the region located?

The top left quadrant is II (2) (x is negative, y is positive) The top right quadrant is I (1) (x is positive, y is positive) The bottom left quadrant is III (3) (x is negative, y is negative) The bottom right quadrant is IV (4) (x is positive, y is negative)

Which is the first quadrant in a coordinate grid?

The top right one... it is the first because it is where both the x-value and y-values are positive. The second quadrant is the top left. The x-values are negative and the y-values are postive. The third quadrant is the bottom left. The x-values are negative and the y-values are negative. The fourth quadrant is the bottom right. The x-values are positive and the y-values are negative.

Is the 1st quadrant negative or positive?

1st quadrant is +x and +y.

What quadrant is -6 -5 lies in?


In which quadrant would an ordered pair that has a negative x-coordinate and a positive y-coordinate be plotted?

The quadrants formed by the x and y axes are numbered anticlockwise from the quadrant in which both coordinates are positive (which is quadrant I). Thus negative x and positive y is in the quadrant II.

What quadrent has 3.3 in it?

quadrant one has two positive numbers. quadrant two has neg. x numbers and positive y numbers quadrant three has two negative numbers quadrant fout has pos. x numbers and negative y numbers. 3.3 is only one value. you need two number to find the quadrant. 3.3 lies on the x-axis and doesnt lie in a quadrant. therefore you answer is no quadrant.

Which quadrant in math is the ordered pair?

By convention, the plane has four quadrants: (1) the part where x and y are both positive, (2) the diametrically opposite part where x and y are both negative, (3) the part where x is negative and y is positive, and (4) the part where x is positive and y is negative.An ordered pair can be used to represent a point in any one of these four quadrants.For instance, (1,5) is in quadrant (1) because both the x and y values are positive; (-3,5) is in quadrant (3) because the x value is negative and the y value is positive.