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Q: Two collinear rays with the same endpoint that from a line?
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What is two rays having the same vertex called?

its an angle because its two rays having the same vertex (endpoint)

If three points are coplanar then are they collinear?

Not necessarily. Coplanar means that points lie on the same plane whereas collinear means that points lie on the same line. Points on a plane do not necessarily lie along the same line.

Can you give an example of collinear point?

As defined by Math Open Reference: collinear points are points that lie on the same line. Any series of points with a yvalue of 4, for example, will be collinear since they lie on the same line. Lines formed by collinear points can have any slope and be located anywhere on a co-ordinate plane. The Math Open Reference link shows a working visual example of collinear points.

How do you find the other endpoint of the line segment with the given endpoint and midpoint?

Add the same amount again by finding the difference of the midpoint and end point. Example: If the end point is 3 and the mid point is 9. The difference between 3 and 9 is 6 so add 6 to 9 and get 15.

What is the difference between vertex and angle?

An angle can be defined as two rays or two line segments having a common end point. The endpoint becomes known as the vertex(shared endpoints). An angle occurs when two rays meet or unite at the same endpoint.An angle can be identified as ABC or CBA. You can also write this angle as B which names the vertex (common endpoint of the two rays)The vertex (in this case B) is always written as the middle letter. It matters not where you place the letter or number of your vertex, it is acceptable to place the it on the inside or the outside of your angle.You can also name the vertex by using a number. For instance, B could also be named angle 3 if you choose to change the letter to a number. Angle ABC or CBA would be names A3C or C3A or 3.