-- Two rays with a common endpoint form an angle. -- If they have a common endpoint, then they are collinear. So I guess, technically, the conditions described in the question aren't possible.
Two rays that have the same endpoint form an angle.
They are rays that lie on the same line. For example draw a horizontal line. Now put 3 points anywhere on that line. Next draw 3 rays, some going to the left, some going to the right. These rays are collinear.
A vertex.
What about them?These are known as opposite rays. They form a line.
Oppsite rays
Two collinear rays with the same endpoint form an angle. They share a common initial point and extend in opposite directions. The endpoint where they meet is called the vertex of the angle.
-- Two rays with a common endpoint form an angle. -- If they have a common endpoint, then they are collinear. So I guess, technically, the conditions described in the question aren't possible.
Opposite Rays
Opposite Rays - are collinear rays having the same endpoint.
a line
They are opposite rays.
It's an angle.
no they form a line segment
a line