A decimal that has a negative sign in front of it, for example -0.5 would be a negative decimal, on a number line it would be to the left of 0.
They are called integers. Fractions and decimals are NOT integers, even if it has a positive or negative sign.
any negative or positive whole number Ex. -4, 6, -9, 7 Note: No decimals or fractions
Natural numbers are non-negative whole numbers (no decimals or fractions). This would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc...
Percents are basically decimals, and we use decimals as numbers with extra, tiny proportions. Percents are just ways to make those decimals into a whole, more friendlier number. But, percents can also be made with decimals as well.
Honey, a whole number is just a fancy way of saying a number without any fractions or decimals. So, if you see a number like 2.2020020002 prancing around with all those decimals, it's definitely not a whole number. Stick with good ol' 2 if you want to keep it simple.
Decimals can be positive or negative.
If you convert repeating decimals into a fraction, you see that the repeating decimals are rational.
They can be either.
Any negative decimal comes before zero in decimals.
Only whole numbers are integers, whether negative or positive.
Decimal points aren't positive or negative. Decimals can be either.
Yes, negative decimal numbers are rational, as long as it is terminating or repeating.
A whole positive or negative number is an integer which has no decimals or fractions.
No. Negative numbers form a set of numbers. Numbers written as decimals is a notation for writing numbers. Different things.Negative numbers can be written as decimals, fractions, complex numbers, etc.Numbers written as decimals can be either negative numbers, zero, or positive numbers. They can also be integer numbers or real numbers.
No. The negative integers would be -1, -2, -3,... and so forth. Negative fractions or negative decimals that won't reduce are not negative integers.