

Best Answer
  • side-side-side (S.S.S. cong)
  • side-angle-side (S.A.S. cong)
  • angle-angle-side (A.A.S cong)
  • right-hypotenuse-side (R.H.S. cong)
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Q: What are the four tests of congruency in triangles?
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Did pascal invent congruency of triangles?

No, he did not. In actual fact nobody "invented" congruency.

Who is the father of congruence of triangles?

who found out congruency

What is the theorem that proves triangles congruent?

law of congruency

What are three ways that triangles are congruent?

Triangles are congruent when:All three sides are the same length (SSS congruency)Two sides and the angle between them are the same length (SAS congruency)Two angles and the side between them are the same length (ASA congruency)

Are two triangles are congruent if 3 sides are equal?

triangle congruency

Why are two congruent triangles also similar?

Search Definition of Congruency

What are some different triangles?

You have acute, right, and obtuse triangles when referring to the measure of the largest angle, and you have equilateral, isosceles, and scalene triangles when referring to the congruency of the triangle's sides.

Why corresponding parts AAA triplet does not prove congruency?

Because triangles add up to 180 degrees

What are the 5 ways to prove a triangles congruency?

A s a, s s s, a a a, a a s, & s a s

Which postulate theorem verifies the congruence of two right triangles?

RHS congruency, or, right angle, hypotenuse and corresponding side.

What are SSS SAS RHS and AAS as regards proof of congruence?

These are all congruency tests for triangles. S=side A=angle R=right angle H=hypotenuse Take one of the tests for example. AAS If two angles and one side is the same between two triangles, then the triangles are congruent. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on congruence. It's really easy to read and understand. And it has drawings, too. (ASA was not included in the list, but it is covered in the Wikipedia post with the other forms.)

What postulate proves that two triangles are congruent?

Side Side Side Side Angle Side Angle Side Side Angle Side Angle Side Side Angle Angle Angle Side With Angle congruency and Side congruency in that order