There are many things you could use to teach significant figures successfully such as food. M n Ms. are an excellent food to use to teach significant figures.
Use a calculator. Schools no longer teach the by-hand method of determining square roots (that's differential calculus, don't worry about it).
To find the area, first divide the shape into regular, simple shapes. Then use formulas to find the area of the smaller, regular shapes. Lastly, add up all the smaller areas to find the area of the original shape.
Here is a website with a method for determining the square root of any number: Using a calculator, the closest square root of 4086248736408 to 8 significant digits is 2021447.2. You need to use the method referenced in the URL to find the answer to additional significant digits. If the answer can be divided by any whole number and the result is a whole number, then the square root is a rational number.
If the figures in the table are exact and without measurement error then take any two of the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) and use these to form the linear relation y - y1 = ((y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1))(x - x1) If, however, you suspect that the values in the table do not exactly follow a linear relationship then use linear regression for which formulae are provided in wikipedia.
Since the question asks for an approximate value, and not an exact value, we can assume that 18 meters is an approximate measurement, and not an exact value. Thus, we can use the formula for the area of a circle: Area = pi * (radius)^2 and then round off the final answer to the amount of significant digits that we put into the formula, the 2 significant digits of 18 m. We only round off the final answer; we try to use as many digits as possible in the steps in between so that we don't introduce errors. For example, to get the radius of the circle, we halve the diameter, so the radius of the circle is 9 meters. We use the formula now by applying order of operations. First we evaluate the exponent by squaring the radius to get 81 square meters. Then we multiply this by a value of pi that has as many accurate digits as possible. I used a calculator to get 254.46900494077325231547411404564 square meters. This is a ludicrous amount of detail from a measurement of only 2 significant digits. Since we only have 2 significant digits of information, we only know that the first two digits of our answer are accurate: 25_.___.... . This means the true area is between 250 and 260 (all the numbers that start with 25_). We do not have enough information to determine the third digit, but since the next digit in our ideal calculation is 4, then if the true diameter is closer to exactly 18.0 meters, then the true area is closer to 250 than 260, so we report the approximate area as 250 square meters.
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
when rounding you want to choose an answer with the lowest significant figures to have a better answer choice
Use the rules of significant figures to answer the following : 22.674 * 15.05. Answer: 341.2
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
You just did. Here's two more: The number 303 has three significant figures. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were significant figures in the American Revolution.
The number of significant figures after the decimal place matches the number of significant figures before the computation of the logarithm. Thus ln(3.02) would compute to 1.105. Three significant figures to four significant figures (3, after the decimal place).
the measured quantity with the least number of significant figures. For example, if you multiply a quantity with 3 significant figures by a quantity with 2 significant figures, your result should have 2 significant figures.
The accuracy of the answer is limited to the LEAST significant figures of the input. So if two measured quantities are multiplied or divided, one of which is accurate to only two significant figures, and other to six significant figures, the answer is only accurate to two significant figures. HOWEVER: use all the figures you have for the calculation, and then round your answer to two significant figures. Also, however, remember that if you are multiplying by an actual exact number, as in doubling, the significant figures of that 2 is unlimited, so the answer is only limited by the significant figures of the number you are doubling.
4 significant figures in 4400. A digit within a number is considered significant if: 1. it is a non-zero OR 2. It is a zero that is between two significant figures OR 3. It is a zero at the end of the number To express four thousand four hundred with two significant figures use scientific notation: 4.4 * 103
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.