when rounding you want to choose an answer with the lowest significant figures to have a better answer choice
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
3 significant figures.
5 significant figures.
6040 has 3 significant figures.
It depends on the number of significant figures from two numbers you are multiplying. But when multiplying you use the same number of significant figures from the numbers you are multiplying with the LEAST number of significant figures. Example: 92,873.239 * 2 = 200,000 (because the number 2 has only 1 significant figure even tho 92,873.239 has 8 significant figures your answer still only has 1 significant figure)
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
There are many things you could use to teach significant figures successfully such as food. M n Ms. are an excellent food to use to teach significant figures.
Use the rules of significant figures to answer the following : 22.674 * 15.05. Answer: 341.2
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
You just did. Here's two more: The number 303 has three significant figures. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were significant figures in the American Revolution.
The number of significant figures after the decimal place matches the number of significant figures before the computation of the logarithm. Thus ln(3.02) would compute to 1.105. Three significant figures to four significant figures (3, after the decimal place).
4 significant figures.
the measured quantity with the least number of significant figures. For example, if you multiply a quantity with 3 significant figures by a quantity with 2 significant figures, your result should have 2 significant figures.
There are 4 significant figures in 0.0032. Seems to be only 2 significant figures in this number.
The accuracy of the answer is limited to the LEAST significant figures of the input. So if two measured quantities are multiplied or divided, one of which is accurate to only two significant figures, and other to six significant figures, the answer is only accurate to two significant figures. HOWEVER: use all the figures you have for the calculation, and then round your answer to two significant figures. Also, however, remember that if you are multiplying by an actual exact number, as in doubling, the significant figures of that 2 is unlimited, so the answer is only limited by the significant figures of the number you are doubling.
There are 3 significant figures in 94.2.