If the denominators are not the same, then you have to use equivalent fractions which do have a common denominator . To do this, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators. To add fractions with unlike denominators, rename the fractions with a common denominator. Then add and simplify.
If the denominators are not the same, then you have to use equivalent fractions which do have a common denominator . To do this, you need to find the least common multiple (LCM) of the two denominators. To add fractions with unlike denominators, rename the fractions with a common denominator. Then add and simplify.
Like fractions are the fractions which have the same denominator and unlike fractions are the fractions which do not have the same denominator.
Rule #1 When two fractions have the same denominator, the bigger fraction is the one with the bigger numerator. Rule # 2 When comparing fractions that have the same numerator, the bigger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator. Rule # 3 You can convert the fractions and then just put the greater than, less than or equal to sign to see what the comparison is between the fractions.
You basically have to learn separately how to do different things with fractions, including finding a common denominator; converting fractions to a different denominator; simplifying fractions; adding and subtracting fractions; multiplying fractions; dividing fractions.
the egyptians were the people who first discovered fractions.
The ancient Egyptians had fractions.
From as early as 1800 BC, the Egyptians used fractions. There fractions were special because they all had numerator of 1. This is called a unit fraction. So a fraction such as 3/4 was written as 1/2 + 1/4. Fractions the way we use them now were first used in the 17th century in Europe. It is hard to really say who founded fractions since many of the early reference like the one for the Egyptians and Babylonians were fractions but not like the ones we use now.
Because they belived that the one was easy enought to create fractions and help them in there every day work. The would add two fractions together to get there answer and that would be how they completed there every day jobs.
Who created fractions first**,Egyptians** or King Henry
They use math becsuse they were the ones who discovered math like fractions, adding, subtracting, and dividing
No. They thought that all fractions could be expressed as combinations of unit fractions. They and other ancients may have thought that any fraction could be wretten as a combination of unit fractions, but according to wikipedia they (ancient Egyptians) had special symbols for 2/3 and 3/4 and even had a papyrus used by scribes that listed the equivalents for 2/n, so they did not always write fractions as this combination of unit fractions. Does your question mean a combination of unit fractions, or as a unit fraction?
Egyptians still use hieroglypics
There are 137 jobs that use fractions.
It would be very difficult to teach and learn fractions if you did not use fractions!
the egyptians used hyroglyphs for mathematical problems , but only used fractions with 1 in the numerator. i dont think they were good scintists, for they were the ones who thought that the sun rotated around th earth.