also coma is used for bracket
(2, 1) or (2, 4).
the square root of 1 is 1. The square root of -1 is j (if you are an engineer) or i (if you are a math geek)
If a comma is needed, it normally comes after parenthesis.
You can use a comma after an opener , so if it is 'Finally' the opener you are talking about, then yes.
NO!!! The comma comes before 'although'. She said, 'I am tired", although he said "I am not tired".
Everybody uses a comma, except the English-speaking nations.
The aftermath
(2, 1) or (2, 4).
ask your math teacher
No, there is no need to put a comma behind the word "that" in this context. The use of a comma depends on the structure and flow of the sentence.
Press MATH then 9 (fnInt() enter the function comma enter the variable comma enter the lower bound comma enter the upper bound
any number at all
Usually neither. Unless comma is specifically defined as one of these functions.
gaea and pandora represent math
It represents a number.