An endpoint looks lika a point that looks like a dot. And the dot should look like this. see how it looks like sometimes its so hard to see,but you will get over it sooner or later.Thankyou for reading my answer for you.
The endpoint has no dimension. It has no endpoint.
Not necessarily - it depends on the geometry. The equator, on a sphere like the earth, is a straight line on a spherical surface. It has no endpoint.
It has two endpoints. A ray has one endpoint.
An angle is the union of two rays with a common endpoint.
like a compass needle, north and south are opposite rays on the needle. same for west and east. 2 opposite rays always make a line, and they share the same endpoint <-----------@--------------@------------> (the @ sign is the endpoint of one of the rays)
The endpoint has no dimension. It has no endpoint.
A ray line has an endpoint with the point on the left side, connected to a line with a arrow pointing towards the right side.
Not necessarily - it depends on the geometry. The equator, on a sphere like the earth, is a straight line on a spherical surface. It has no endpoint.
Honestly a ray does because a ray has one endpoint and it does go in one direction like forever
It is called the "endpoint". If another question that you have bout what the end of a ray is called, there is no such a thing, since the ray begins in one point (called the endpoint) and expands infinitely in the other direction... Much like this arrow I will draw you.... ( THIS IS THE ENDPOINT!)------------------------------>(There is no ending here, just keeps on going and going and going... you get the point) Perhaps it is better for you to look at your lessons? best, A.K.A., Uchiha Itachi
No, lines are ongoing, and have no endpoint.
A ray is a straight line that starts at a point and extends infinitely in one direction. It has a defined endpoint but continues on forever in the direction it points. A ray can be represented with an arrow pointing in the direction of its extension.
If you mean endpoint (6, 9) and midpoint (7, 6) then the other endpoint is (8, 3)
A line segment is a straight line that has an endpoint on both sides (look below). ----
Education is an important process---but endpoint of knowledge and wisdom is essence of Being!Endpoint of Education is Infinite Observer or whole being or Great self where there is no becoming!