

Best Answer

An endpoint looks lika a point that looks like a dot. And the dot should look like this. see how it looks like sometimes its so hard to see,but you will get over it sooner or later.Thankyou for reading my answer for you.

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Q: What does a endpoint look like?
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Endpoint security refers to a methodology of protecting the corporate network when accessed via LAN & remote devices such as laptops or other wireless and mobile devices. Each device with a remote connecting to the network creates a potential entry point for security threats. We provide scalable & managed endpoint security solutions on Cloud & On-Premises and Endpoint Protection for small, medium and large scaled infrastructure. Endpoint Protection refers to the approach of protecting a business network when accessed by remote devices like smartphones, laptops, tablets or other wireless devices. It includes monitoring status, software, and activities. The endpoint protection software is installed on all network servers and on all endpoint devices. With the proliferation of mobile devices like laptops, smartphones, tablets, notebooks etc., there has been a sharp increase in the number of devices being lost or stolen as well. These incidents potentially translate as huge loss of sensitive data for enterprises which allow their employees to bring in these mobile devices (enterprise-provided or otherwise) into their enterprise

Has a beginning and an endpoint of a specific distance?

A line segment

What is an endpoint where two sides of a polygon meet?

The vertex

How many endpoints does a ray have?

A ray has many points, but it has only one endpoint. The rest of the points extend away from the endpoint infinitely along a linear path. This is different than a line segment, which has two endpoints between which a finite distance can be measured. A ray's length is infinite, but only in 1 direction away from its endpoint. A sunbeam can be thought of as a ray. The sun is like the endpoint. Each beam of light begins at the sun and radiates away from it in one direction. Some of the sun's rays point in a path toward Earth. Other rays point in different directions, either passing by us, or going in a direction away from us.

Which of these segments has an endpoint c and midpoint b?

A+ = segment C A

What is a line that extends in one direction from one endpoint?

a ray