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A function of x means that the answers depends on the value of x that is substituted into the function.

For example:

y = x + 1

If x = 1, y = 2

If x = 2, y = 3

and so on.

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Q: What does function of x mean?
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You must provide a complete equation for the function. Do you mean f(x) = 1.5x + 7.6 or something else?

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Yes, if your equation is f(x) = sqrt5(x). The square root is also a function itself, if that's what you mean.

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The word non-function can mean practically anything, a variable, for fun (int x) { return x+10; }int nonfun= 32;

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Function to reverse the binary short integer?

You mean the byte-order? x=((x>>8)&0xff) | ((x&0xff)<<8);