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The volume is doubled.

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Q: What happens to the volume of a cylinder when the height is double?
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What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the height is double and the diameter of the base is not changed?

It doubles The volume of a cylinder height times diameter squared times 3.14

What happens to the volume of the cylinder if the height is doubled?

Volume doubles

What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the height is doubled?

Volume doubles

What happens to the volume of a rectangular prism if you double the height?

The volume of a rectangular prism would double if you double the height.

What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the radius and height are tripled?

The original volume is multiplied by 27.

What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the radius and height are cut in half?

The volume becomes one eighth.

Is it possible to double the volume of a cylinder by doubling it's height?

Yes - of course it is !

What happens to a cylinder if it's height is doubled but diameter stays the same?

The volume of the cylinder would be doubled.

The volume of a circular cylinder varies directly with the height of the cylinder and with the square of the cylinder's radius If the height is halved and the radius is doubled then the volume will be?

The volume of a circular cylinder varies directly with the height of the cylinder and with the square of the cylinder's radius If the height is halved and the radius is doubled then the volume will be increased.

How do you double the volume of a cylinder?

Double its height or increase its radius by a factor of sqrt(2) = 1.4142 (approx) or some combination of changes to he height and radius.

What is the volume of a cylinder if the base is 48 cm and the height is 7 cm?

Find the volume of the cylinder

How do you find the height of a cylinder when radious and volume are given?

pi*radius2*height = volume of a cylinder height = volume divided by pi*radius2