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Yes - of course it is !

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Q: Is it possible to double the volume of a cylinder by doubling it's height?
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How does doubling the height of the cylinder affect the volume?

It doubles it.

What effects the cylinder more doubling the radius or doubling the height?

They both have the same effect on the surface area of the pipe, but the radius has more effect on its volume/capacity.

How many doubling the width of a box affect its volume?

If the other dimensions (length and height) are left unchanged, doubling the width will double the volume.

How do you get volume of cylinder with no height?

this is not possible

What effect does doubling the base of a triangle have on the area?

Doubling the base of a triangle while keeping the height constant will double the area of the triangle. The area of a triangle is directly proportional to its base length, so increasing the base length by a factor of 2 will result in the area being multiplied by 2 as well.

What happens to the volume of a cylinder when the height is double?

The volume is doubled.

How does doubling the height affect the volume?

If all other dimensions are left unchanged, doubling the height doubles the volume.

How would doubling the mass of an object change the object's potential energy?

Doubling the mass of an object would double its potential energy as long as the height or position of the object remains constant. Potential energy is directly proportional to mass when height is a constant factor.

What happens to the volume of a cylinder if the height is double and the diameter of the base is not changed?

It doubles The volume of a cylinder height times diameter squared times 3.14

How do you find the height of a cylinder with a radius of 8 inches?

It is not possible if you only know the radius. A cylinder with a radius of 8 inches could be any height.

How do you double the volume of a cylinder?

Double its height or increase its radius by a factor of sqrt(2) = 1.4142 (approx) or some combination of changes to he height and radius.

What are the dimensions of a cylinder that holds one gallon?

There are an infinite number of cylinders that hold one gallon. The volume of a cylinder is a function of its height as well as its diameter. If you double the height, you double its capacity. If you double the radius, you quadruple the capacity. So, you could have a very tall, thin cylinder or a short, wide one.