That means that you refrain from sexual intercourse - in other words, that you don't have sexual intercourse.
Some relations are, some are not.
The total no. of reflexive relations on a set A having n elements is 2^n(n-1).Thus, the required no. is 2^20 = 1 048 576
The same as sexual intercourse. If you don't know that term either, the Wikipedia article on "sexual intercourse" should give you a good overview.
All functions are relations but all relations are not functions.
algebra the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and relations of numbers; the generalized and extension of arithmetic. - algebraic
Refraining from sex. Abstinence means not having sexual relations. Practicing abstinence is a fool-proof pregnancy prevention method and will make you a happier person. Too many times, people have relations with others before they know them and then the relationship is taken to a level that it wouldn't have reached had relations not been initiated so quickly.
Abstinence means refraining from sex.
the definition of abstinence is the act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse. So you could use it like: Her abstinence made her really boring at parties.
ABSTINENCE : refraining from an activity ; avoidance.
Abstinence is refraining from pleasurable activities or interests in order to discipline oneself especially spiritually.
The word is abstinence. In a legal sense, it is refrain to use (a vote).
Abstinence is the choice to not engage in sexual relations, and being a decision, is not purchasable, unless you are paying people not to have sex. You may be thinking of absinthe, a reputedly addictive drink temporarily outlawed in many countries.
The opposite of sex is abstinence or celibacy, which refers to deliberately refraining from sexual activity.
Sexual abstinence can be practiced in various forms, such as complete abstinence from all forms of sexual activity, abstinence from certain sexual activities (like penetrative intercourse), or abstinence for a specific period of time. Other forms of sexual abstinence include emotional abstinence, where individuals abstain from forming romantic or sexual relationships.
The traditional way of getting pregnant is by having intercourse - so the best way to avoid this is by refraining from any sexual relations. It is the only 100% guaranteed way to prevent pregnancy.
The English word celibacyderives from the Latin caelibatus, "state of being unmarried", from Latin caelebs, meaning "unmarried". Often blurred with the word Abstinence incorrectly, as the original Latin is very specific about being unmarried.Continence is self-restraint or abstinence in regard to sexual activity.Abstinence is the act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse. (includes Continence).Chastity is the condition or quality of being pure or chaste. Choosing to live a life akin to virgins.Temperance refers to moderation and self-restraint and sobriety to gravity in bearing, manner, or treatment.