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A linear equation is one in which the power of each of the variables is one.

For example: 3x - 5 = 2y

or 2.5x + 32*y = sqrt(97)z - 6

Although there are powers associated with the numbers in the second example, all the variables are to the power one.

The reason for the name is that an equation with n variable, when graphed in n-dimensional space, gives a straight line.

A linear equation is one in which the power of each of the variables is one.

For example: 3x - 5 = 2y

or 2.5x + 32*y = sqrt(97)z - 6

Although there are powers associated with the numbers in the second example, all the variables are to the power one.

The reason for the name is that an equation with n variable, when graphed in n-dimensional space, gives a straight line.

A linear equation is one in which the power of each of the variables is one.

For example: 3x - 5 = 2y

or 2.5x + 32*y = sqrt(97)z - 6

Although there are powers associated with the numbers in the second example, all the variables are to the power one.

The reason for the name is that an equation with n variable, when graphed in n-dimensional space, gives a straight line.

A linear equation is one in which the power of each of the variables is one.

For example: 3x - 5 = 2y

or 2.5x + 32*y = sqrt(97)z - 6

Although there are powers associated with the numbers in the second example, all the variables are to the power one.

The reason for the name is that an equation with n variable, when graphed in n-dimensional space, gives a straight line.

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11y ago

A linear equation is one in which the power of each of the variables is one.

For example: 3x - 5 = 2y

or 2.5x + 32*y = sqrt(97)z - 6

Although there are powers associated with the numbers in the second example, all the variables are to the power one.

The reason for the name is that an equation with n variable, when graphed in n-dimensional space, gives a straight line.

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A linear equation is an equation that in math. It is a line. Liner equations have no X2. An example of a linear equation is x-2 A linear equation also equals y=mx+b. It has a slope and a y-intercept. A non-linear equation is also an equation in math. It can have and x2 and it is not a line. An example is y=x2+3x+4 Non linear equations can be quadratics, absolute value or expodentail equations.

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y = 5x3 + 6 is a cubic equation, not a linear equation. Linear equations contain only terms of degree 0 (i.e. constants) and terms of degree 1.

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linear system is like a chemistry equation or math equation where on both sides it must balance. Nonlinear is a math equation or physics that does not appear to have a direct answer just like chaos theory. lulu254ever

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They are used in statistics to predict things all the time. It is called linear regression.

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when you represent any equation in a graph it is said to be linear.Accordin to me , not having a definite equation , is said to be non-linear.

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One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.One linear equation in two variable cannot be solved. It is possible to express either of the two variables in terms of the other but a solution is not possible.

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