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Q: What is a real life application of a tangent function?
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There are no real life applications of reciprocal functions

What is one tangent equal to?

Tangent is a function that can have any real value. Therefore one tangent can take any value in (-∞, ∞).

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Quadratic functions are used to describe free fall.

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The constant Pi is used to find the perimeter of a circle which is known as the circumference.

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What is the tangent ratio for angle?

In a right angled triangle, it is the ratio of the lengths of the side opposite to the angle and the side adjacent to the angle.Of course, this definition restricts the function to (0, 90) degrees whereas the tangent function is defined for all real numbers.

What does the tangent of infinity equal?

The tangent of infinity is undefined because it is not a real number. The tangent function is defined as the ratio of the side opposite a given angle to the side adjacent to the angle in a right triangle. Since infinity is an abstract concept which has no physical representation, it is not possible to measure the sides of a triangle with an infinite length. Therefore, the tangent of infinity is undefined.

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What is inverse tangent?

It is a function which maps the tangent ratio - any real value - to an angle in the range (-pi/2, pi/2) radians. Or (-90, 90) degrees.If tan(x) = y then x is the inverse tangent of y.It is also known as "arc tangent", and spreadsheets, such as Excel, use "atan" for this function.Warning:1/tangent = cotangent is the reciprocal, NOT the inverse.

How do you use rational function in real life?

Rational function can be used in real life in modeling multi-person work problems.