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It is the solution set.

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Q: What is a set of numbers that makes the equation or inequality true?
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Is any value that makes an equation or inequality true when substituted form the unknown?

No, it is part of the solution set.

What makes an inequality true?

Although there are many numbers that may make an inequality true if something is greater than the other and the larger of the inequality relation is facing that side then it is true. 5>2 true 5<2 is false

What is the set of all numbers that make the inequality true?

It is the solution set for that particular inequality.

a number when substituded in to an open sentence makes a true statement?

An equation or an inequality that contains at least one variable is called an open sentence. ... When you substitute a number for the variable in an open sentence, the resulting statement is either true or false. If the statement is true, the number is a solution to the equation or inequality.

What is the definition of a solution to an inequality?

any number that makes the inequality true

What is the number that can replace a variable?

Answer 1 == In an open sentence (an equation or inequality with a variable in it), when a number replacing the variable makes the sentence true, then it is a solution.

Any value or values that make an equation or inequality true?

The solution.

What is the set of values for which an equation or inequality is true?

It is called the solution set.

When can you say that a number is called a solution in algebraic expression?

An algebraic equation or inequality can have a solution, an algebraic expression cannot. If substituting a number in place of a variable results in the equation or inequality being a true statement, then that number is a solution of the equation or inequality.

Number that makes an equation true?

A number that makes an equation true is its solution.

A value that makes an equation true?

Any number that makes an equation true is a 'solution of an equation'. it is a solution

Explain how to test whether the correct area has been shaded in the graph of an inequality?

Pick a sample point in the shaded area and plug it into the equation and see if it makes it true.